⭐️️Covering Yourself⭐️️

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Asalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatallahi Wa Barakatahu...

My precious sisters,Before I start I would like to ask you something

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My precious sisters,
Before I start I would like to ask you something...
Do you feel safe in this world anymore?
Are you feeling sad?
Do you feel alone?

Well let me tell you a secret to being happy....
to find yourself....
The Hijab.

Wearing a Hijab is not compulsory, yeah it is stated in the Qur'an and whatever our Lord says is important and is something we should follow as it is an order in the Qur'an but think about it logically... do you think Allah, Our Lord would ever want to put a difficulty or hardship our way? Do you think Allah made this forced upon ourselves?

Well the answers to these are...
that I personally believe that there is no point in covering yourself if you aren't willing to change. If you don't see a difference in your Imaan then I don't see the point....

Do you know with time...
If you love islam.......
You love Allah....
You love the Beloved Nabi S.A.W
Then you will automatically cover yourselves.

It saddens me how.... some of my dear beautiful sisters only wear a hijab because it's a tradition or because they think is forced upon them.

No, wear it if you want to from
the depth of your heart please sisters.
Only then will you know the true meaning of wearing a hijab....
The happiness a muslimah feels when wearing a scarf.

Yeah, sure it can feel like you are the odd one out. Especially for me and some of you as well since at the moment am living in a English Native speaking country but trust me sisters... when you wear it.... you just feel whole.... and you have this courage... this confidence inside of you...


We should always thank the Almighty for giving us Guidance.


We should always thank Allah that we have found one another sister because it is by Allah's will that we as muslimahs meet one another.... yeah maybe it isn't in real life.... but it doesn't need to be in real life.... All you need to know is if that person loves islam.... then you automatically love them...

⭐️️Sisters I am telling you this because I love you for Allah's sake, and because I fear Allah and want to save you from the punishment.⭐️️

💜May Allah grant us Hidayat and fill our hearts with love for another. 💜


💗May Allah make us successful in this world and the next.💗


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