Chapter 17

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I smile to my self and then joe turns over and yawns "morning Jemma" I smile "morning joe". We lay there in silence for a bit before joe gets up. "Omg I am naked close your eyes!" I laugh "joe it isn't like I have seen you naked remember last night?" He smiles and blushes "yeah I do" he comes back over to me and sits on the bed and kisses me before going to the bathroom. I sit up in bed when I hear a nock at the door I am still naked so I just have to get under the sheets "come in!" Zoe comes in and I am hoping she doesn't notice my pants and bra. But she does "oh wow um hey Jemma" "hi" I smile. "So you and joe um" I blush "yeah we did but please don't tell anyone" she smiles "of course not" "thank you Zoe" she shuts the door and I get up and put my bra and pants on. Then I get back in bed until joe comes out of the bathroom. He smiles at "hey you ok I heard Zoe talking to you what did she want?" I get up and say "she knows we um last night she saw my pants and bra" he laughs "omg I forgot they were on there did you tell her not to tell anyone?" I nod and he hugs me then goes to see Alfie whilst I go in the bathroom. I come out of the shower and realise that I have no clothes except for the dress and I don't want to wear that. I get into the room and then shout Zoe. She comes in with an enormous smile on her face as usual. "Do you have any clothes that I can borrow please I don't want to wear my dress she smiles "yeah I have some want to choose an outfit?" I nod then follow her with a towel on. She asks alfie and joe to keave because they are talking when they are gone i got some clothes and change whilst zoe looks away. When I am done I look in the mirror and I am happy with what I am wearing. She sits in the bed then says "jemma can I do your make up for a video?" I think about it but quickly answer "yeah why not but can you just keep me as a friend please". She nods "of course!". She sets up whilst I brush my hair. After about 15 minutes Zoe I ready to film. She turns the camera on then sits next to me on the bed. She does her intro then introduces me to her viewers. I smile and just say "hello" she smiles "I am going to be doing Jemma's hair and make up today". I look at her a little confused but I guess it's ok for her to do my hair. She gets my hair done first doing a fish tail braid. Then she does my make up. After about 20 minutes she has finished the make up and I look incredible I couldn't ever do make up like this. She smiles and then does her outro and turns the camera off. She turns around and smiles then she starts to pack up. I help to pack up then I go back to joe. I open the door and he is laying on the bed just watching YouTube. As he hears the door creek he looks over. He smiles "oh my Jemma you look gorgeous" I giggle "what so I'm not without make up?" He sits there a little worried "no no I meant.." I cut him off and laugh "I'm joking I know what you mean and thanks Zoe did it" he pats the bed and signals for me to lay next to him. I get up on the bed. "Us Suggs are pretty talented you know!!!" I laugh and snuggle into joe as we both watch an old video of Alfie's we laugh at his first ever video with Zoe we could see he fancied her. We sit there for another hour and a half watching different youtubers. We then look at the time it's 4pm and we ah why eaten at all. I tap joe "hey we haven't eaten can we have something?" "Yeah we can go to McDonald's I'll ask Zoe and Alfie if they want anything" he gets up and I hear him ask Zoe and Alfie and they say no. I wait for joe outside by the car. He comes out and let's me in the car. He gets in then we go to McDonald's. I tell joe my order and he gets it and he gets his food as well. We pick it up then go back to Zoe and Alfie's. we go into the kitchen and sit at the table and unpack out food. I ask joe "is there any tomato sauce?" He gets upset me shouts "Zoe do you have an tomato sauce?!" She answers back "yeah in the top cupboard on the far left!" He heads over and find it and brings the bottle over to me. I put some on my plate then start to eat. I was extremely hungry so it didn't take long for me to eat my chicken sandwich large chips and my Terry's chocolate orange Mcflurry. He laughs "wow Jemma you really were hungry" I smile and stand up and put my stuff in the dishwasher.

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