Chapter 22

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I wake up and look at my phone. Ugh 7:46am. It's so early but I know I won't go back to sleep so I might as well get up. Right after I check my social medias. When I have finished I look at my phone and it's 8:10pm I role out of bed and look to see if I woke joe up. Luckily I haven't but I see a perfect prank opportunity. Joe is vlogging today and so I should maybe record a bit of a prank for his channel. I tiptoe downstairs and see his vlogging camera on the island. I pick it up and turn it on and turn the camera to me I whisper "so hey guys this morning I have woken up before joe and he has left me a perfect way to prank him". I make my way quietly up the stairs and into our room. I point the camera at him and he has his hand out next to his face. I laugh quietly then go into the bathroom next door. Still whispering in hope that I don't wake up joe I say to the camera " I am going to get some shaving cream and put it in his hand then tickle his nose and his shaving foam with go all in his face". I get the can of shaving cream and pop the lid off and it falls off and onto the floor and it makes a loudish sound. I look over and luckily it didn't wake up him up. I face the camera to joe and spray it all in his hand then tickle his face and as expected he puts it in his face. I laugh so much I can barely breathe and he groans "Jemma what are you doing?" I laugh and say "you just got pranked Joseph sugg!" He laughs and I face the camera to me and shout "I got the prank king!" I then turn the camera off and put it on the bed side table. I go into the bathroom and get joe a wipe. He takes it off of me and laughs "you got me good none of the boys can prank a sugg" I smile then give his forehead a kiss "right I'll go and make breakfast you sit and chill for a bit and maybe have a shower" he smiles and then I go and make breakfast. Joe perfectly times coming in. He sits down and instead of watching YouTube we discuss what we should do today. Joe maybe suggests we go and see Zoe Alfie and Nala and I say that's a great idea. Joe rings them up and they say it's fine so we make our way over after having a shower and getting ready. When we arrive Zoe opens the gate for us and we drive up the stone drive. Joe parks up and then we get out and nock on the door. A very happy Zoe opens the door and she hugs both me and joe then invites us in. I go through to her living room and take a seat on her comfy sofa. She smiles at me. Joe and Alfie are in the other room laughing and doing some tea bag trick shots over on Alfie's vlog. Zoe comes over and says "wanna watch a movie?" I nod and she gets frozen one of my fave movies ever. She puts it on and we sing to every song. Zoe is way better so I mainly let her take over and I just quietly sing in the background. The boys come in at the end and groan because of the film. Luckily the film was at the end and then we went to film some videos. We film one for Alfie one for joe and one for Zoe. We made a girlfriends do their boyfriends make up we also made a not safe for work video on Alfie's channel and we did a fan fic reading on joes channel which was a little weird but it was fine. Then youtubers do what they do and they were all sat around editing so I just played with Nala until one of them finished. When they had all done Alfie and joe went to go and get Nando's. whilst the boys were out Zoe and I laid out the table ready for when they came back. 20 minutes later joe and Alfie come back with bags of food and we plate up and sit down to eat. We all play the word association game and it gets very funny to the point where when I drank some water I spat it all back out all over poor joe. He laughed and didn't really mind and I just kept on apologising for what I had just done. Joe goes for a shower because no one really wants spit on them. After all that we sat back on the sofa and joe and I cuddled up and zalfie cuddled up and we watched bugs life and I slowly fell asleep in joes warm arms.

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