Chapter 8 no more

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Aaron's POV

I woke up and realised that aph has not had any swimming lessons lately.I run upstairs and wake up aphmau but it took awhile "Aph wake up" I said standing behind her "NUuuuuu MOM I DONT WONT TO GO TO SCHOOL"I chuckled "but you have a test today" "nooo I am sick"and she faked Cough then Lucinda pocked her head in and said "Aaron's shirt is off" Aphmau jumped up and screamed "WHERE!!" She laughed and said "look behind you" and ran off she turned slowly and I could tell she was blushing "uhhhh h h hi Aaron" she said I smirked then She hid her self under the covers of the bed I pulled them up and kissed her forehead.she then pulled me in and she kissed me in the lips I go on the bed and we make out then we heard someone growl we turned are heads "k k Katelyn h h hey" Aphmau said "Katelyn calm down why are you so angry" "BECAUSE ITS ONLY 3:10am AND THIS HAPPENS" "Why is it so early" Aph said I looked at her I don't know why but I could tell she wanted her lips to touch mine and I did to so we leaned closer and closer till we felt something push us apart we looked to the side it was Katelyn "NO!! MORE KISSING FOR THE REST OF THE DAY" she said I could tell aph was sad I was to.

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