A mom and dad

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I tilted my head "what do you mean" I said "Those are your children" said the doctor who was snickering I almost fainted but didn't "What?!" I put down the babies "yes now you just rest you need to be here for 8 more days" then they left I got on the bed then put my head phones in and read fanfics. Till Kawaii~chan and Katelyn ran in and hugged me "Aphmau~senpies Alright!" "Why did you faint? What happened?" Katelyn said "I am a mom" I say pointing to the two Babies Kawaii~Chan fainted. Katelyn hugged me "congratulations " everyone says walking in but Aaron "thanks where's Aaron" I say Kawaii~chan waking up and everyone walking around "I don't know he called 911 then disappeared we looked everywhere in the house but he was no where!" Lucinda said

Guys Aaron Died!


"I tried calling him no answer" Dante said and with that Aphmau was out the door with Katelyn Kawaii~chan and Lucinda chasing her!
Where is he where is the love of my life the guy who always makes me feel safe the one I fell in love with and nothing could replace him where is the guy who I would tell everything thing to because I trust him.

I started crying but still was running! I got a text message "SHU HELP!" I texted back "FC WHERE ARE YOU PLEASE 😭😔😭😭😭" then Aaron walked in front of me "April fools" he says I dropped to the floor crying Aaron looked worried so he picked me up and carried me back to my bed in the hospital I smiled weakly and passed out. I wake up hearing babies cry and Aaron on a chair I get up and put the babies to bed "why are there babies in here anyway?" Aaron asks just waking up "what? They can't sleep in the same room as there mom and dad" I say blushing.

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