Chapter 7 level two

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"Sage, this place looks like a poor and broken down town," Meg said, as the light from the door began to gradually faed away.

"This is level two my friends," Lee said. "What your seeing now is the true beginning of the game. See level one was more of a peaceful environment. So for those that have entered the game thinking that we would be living more dovish. They have thought wrong. This game isn't like any other game. You start in a lower life just like anyone in the real world. You work your way up to a better life. In games like this one, straight is more effective then inelegance. As the game progressives on, you'll see."

"So what your telling me is, if I was poor I would live in a place like this," I asked.

"Yes, and the stronger you are and the more money you have. You would afford houses that are better in the next levels," Lee said while he looked around as if he recognizes the place. "This town is called Demise, witch means death. Everything in this level is dead. The tree, the sky, and even the land itself is dead. You can't make a living here or any thing with out killing creatures and gaining money from that. Even that isn't much to live here so you would be forced to kill in the next level and bring your winnings back. You are basically forced to move forward."

For some reason lee knows a lot about this game. The way he talks and his reactions on the place seems like he's been here before.

"Well this is good bye for now Sage," Lee said as he started to walk out of the town. "Will see each other every soon, I promise."

"Where are you going," Meg asked.

"To find the next level boss and move forward," Lee said. "Now men, let's move out."

"Wait, why can't we come with you," Meg asked.

"I have to train my men and you have your own training to do," Lee said.

As Lee continued on walking into the darkness of the forest. I still felt like there is something he is hiding from me. How can someone know so much about the game and express feeling for it as if he were once here. What if is one of the beta testers. If that's true then he should already know where the next level boss is.

"Meg we have to go look for Lee. I think he already knows where the next level boss is and if he does then it'll be faster for us to leave," I said as I grab mega hand about to pull her.

"I think we should stay around town," Meg said. "Even if he does I'm still to week to protect myself and if we were to fight another boss. Who's to say it won't kill me first. Or if I were to walk around on my own and end up fighting. I need to learn to protect my self first. I was actually thinking, maybe you could tech me and get me stronger."

With ever bone in my body telling me to chase him down, she is right. I can't always be there to protect her. I mean when I thought Lee was going to kill her. Only she could have stopped him. Plus this could be a great chance for me to have alone time with her. To get to know her a little more.

"Your right Meg," I said as I let go of her hand. "Let's go find the arena so we can train."

As we started to walk around town I noticed a large light from where we entered. It looks like the people from level one found the entrance for level two.

"Sage, is that more player," Meg asked.

"Yes," I answered. "Seems like they found their way here. Lucky them that they didn't have to fight the boss."

"Yea I guess," Meg said as she puts her head down in shame.

"Hey next time we fight a boss monster. You'll be ready I promise you. Ill train you until you are afraid of only one thing. Of not knowing how to ease up when it comes to killing," I said. "Now let's hurry up and go find the arena before someone else does."

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