Chapter 6

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Good evening everyone! (lets do as if there's someone reading, yeah?)

I decided to (okay, a_thousand_stars_ pushed me to) regularise my posting, so I will from now on post every friday night (hope you're happy, audrey :). I'll try not to skip any friday, especially since I've already got like ten other chapters written, soo it should be okay for some time.

Btw, don't ask me what she told him (you'll see what I mean while reading), I won't tell. It is a secret that may not be revealed. For now.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't hesitate leaving a comment! (cuz honestly, I can't get better if nobody does. Thank god a_thousand_stars_ is here :P)

Chap 6

It had been a week since the Cassiopée thing. (And fortunately, we didn’t retalk about Cass or about what Will wanted me to do... which, I’m sure you’ve understood by now, were exactly the same.)

Harry had restarted going out. Actually, he literally restarted being a part of One Direction. But, and I was not the only one who noticed, he made sure to stay as far as possible to Louis. The fans didn’t seem to want to let go of asking question about it and about Larry and all, but it was less than before and Harry seemed to cope with it better. Well, most the time.

My brother hadn’t called either, which was a rather good thing. It was already hard enough not to tell Harry, who I felt I could tell everything to, without Will around to mess it even more.

“Earth to Kathy-Bee!”

I snapped back in reality, realising I’ve been staring into space.

“Sorry what?”

He faked hurt. “You weren’t even listening to me... That really hurts Kath. I thought you loved me!”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh poor baby.”

He pouted. “I wanted you to come with me but I’m not sure I want you to anymore.”

“Fine, I’m not coming then,” I mocked. “What is it?”

“Small gig tonight. We leave in an hour.”

I smiled.


“Come on I outta be there in thirty!” he rushed me, storming my room while doing my makeup.

“Yeah gimme a sec.”

“No. Your beautiful like that. Now let’s go.”

I sighed and gave in. He took me by the wrist and pulled me out of the apartment with him. It took us only fifteen minutes to get there, and I couldn’t help but think that he could’ve let me another five minutes to finish my makeup.

Then I realised we had to make it through the crowd at the back door.

I stopped the car and looked at him in a ‘What now?’ kind of way.

“I’m gonna call Paul.”

So we just waited there for the security to come get us.

“Put those sunglasses on and keep you head down,” a tall (and rather scary) guy told me.





Whoa. Go get your head checked girl, you’re crazy, I thought. But Harry didn’t take it as good as me.

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