Chapter 8

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Hellllooo y'all :) 
(no, I don't have a texan accent. I just wanted to say that.)

Okay, I'm sorry for all the french there is in this chapter. For my defense, it's not my fault, it's Will's :)

I hope you enjoy my story so far, even tho they're aren't so many people reading it yet. I have a lot of ideas for what will happen next (and by next I mean after the 10 other chapters I already have written) and I'm sure you guys (more like, you girls) will be surprised by some of them. I'm also really anxious for you to read chapter 11, in wich so many things will happen :)

anyway, here's chapter 8

Chap 8

“Non” (“No”)

“S’il te plait! Tu sais que c’est pour bien faire en plus!” (“Please! You even know it’s for a good cause” A/N well not really but it kinda means that)

“Oui, mais c’est illégal, et j’ai vraiment pas aimé la publicité que tu m’as faite l’autre fois.” (“Yes, but it’s illegal, and I really didn’t like the publicity you gave me last time.”)

“Tu te fais jamais prendre!” (“You never get caught!”) 

“J’ai dit non. Fais-le toi-même.” (“I said no. Do it yourslef.”)

“Mais je suis pas aussi bon que toi!” (“But I’m not as good as you!”)

“T’en ai capable, c’est basic et je te l’ai déjà montré.” (“You’re able to, it’s basic (said in English in the original, it’s an expression we use in Québec) and I already showed you”)

And with that I hung up on him.

“Your brother again?”

I jumped. Gosh, I didn’t know he was there! “Yeah.”

He seemed uncomfortable. “I got to go record a song with the lads...” he started. “I thought maybe you could come?”

I shook my head. “I can’t sorry. I need to finish this as soon as I can and Will already took half an hour of my time.”

He seemed sad. “Okay. See you tonight, then.”

I nodded.

As soon as he left, I called Mely. I needed to talk to someone about all this.

“Hey, isn’t it my favorite cousin in the world calling?”

Whoa somebody is happy today.

“Yep. I wanted to talk to you about some stuff.”

“Really?” Her tone was weird, really really weird. “Like what? THE FACT THAT YOU KNOW HARRY FUCKING STYLES?!”


When I woke up the next morning, Harry’s arms were around me. I quickly made sure we still had clothes on. We did.

So we didn’t had sex.

Then what the hell?

I remembered going to bed around midnight, Harry not even home yet. After... well, either I slept until then or I had been drugged.

I went for the first one.

“Harry what the hell?” I saw his eyes shutter open.

“Hun? Oh, that?” His voice was husky. And so fucking damn sexy. Mental slap to myself. “I don’t know, I felt like it. Now just go back to sleep love.”

Damn fucking sexy English acc... Another mental slap to myself.

I was stunned. Like, completely stunned. I tried to get up but he tightened his grip around me.

“Don’t get up yet,” he whispered, burying is head into my neck. “Please.”

I gave in and closed my eyes. It felt wonderful.

I knew falling for him wasn’t a good idea, oh I knew it.

But I couldn’t help

And I didn’t care.


He finally accepted to let me get up about half an hour after. I went to shower first, as always. When I stepped in the kitchen, I was greeted by a bright smile.

And a plate of pancakes.

“Mornin’ Love!”

I looked at him, dumbfounded.

“What? Do I have flour on my nose?”

I gave him a weird look. “Mornin’ Harry.”

His smile went brighter. “I made you pancakes!”

“I see that... May I ask why you’re so happy today?” I said slowly.

I couldn’t help but look at his dimples. God, they were so cute... Mental slap number three. I started to eat to clear my head.

“Would you go on a date with me?” he asked and I chocked on my food.


I gasped for air. “I thought you said you...” His green eyes met my blue ones, full of hope. C’mon Kath, he’s asking you out! Just fucking say yes already! “Yeah.”

“Please, I know I’m confus- wait, what?”

“I said yes you dumbass.” He probably thought I’d say no. Uhm. “You can take me on a date.” My face fell in a serious one. “I don’t know what you are doing Styles, but be careful not to bring my hopes up to crash them down.”

“I won’t, promise!” he almost shouted, bringing his hands up. His eyes were brighter that I had ever seen them (Well, while looking at me). “Be ready at six!”

And then he left to jump in the shower, leaving me completely stunned.


“C’mon Love, it’s time to go!” Harry yelled through my door.

I had decided on a quite casual look, but still it was nicer than what I wore everyday. More girly. Not that I usually dressed super girly anyway. A white shirt in my hypnotic-blue skirt and some jean jacket I had. I had my blue VAN’s on my feet and, of course, my necklace. I curled my black hair in long beachy waves that got to my hips.

I took my small one-strap purse and my phone on my way out of the room.

“You’re beautiful, Bee.”

I checked him out (which made him smile playfully). “You’re quite handsome yourself Pooh.”

What a butt he had in those dark skinny jeans... Mental slap four. “Shall we?” he asked with his deep, sexy British accent.  Mental slap fi- Oh you know what? I can fucking think he’s sexy! We are going out on a date, for fuck’s sake! (Yeah, no comment about me talking to myself.)

“Yes, we shall.”

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