Chapter 15

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Hey guys :)

sorry its later than usual, and sorry it's so short. I'll try to make longer chapters, but nobody really reads them yet so I guess it's okay

see ya next friday :)

Chap 15

“Quick boys! You’re live in ten!”

The lads rushed on stage and crashed on the couch.

“5, 4, 3...” The producer did the last two with his fingers.

“Good afternoon, London! Today we have a big interview coming with... One Direction!”

 I didn’t really pay attention to the first questions (you’ve probably understood by now that I’m really not into interviews) and just (as usual) focused on Harry

“So boys, I’m sure you are all tired of that question, but who’s single?”

Liam, Niall and Louis raised their hands. Harry looked at me backstage, and I smiled.

“Okay, so Louis, we all heard about yours and Eleanor’s break up, and we are all very sorry.”

“S’okay, I guess,” he sighed.

“Zayn, you are with Perrie Edwards, right?”

He nodded, smiling widely. I’d like to meet her. She seems really nice.

“So what about you Harry?” she asked and he looked at me again. “Would it be that lovely lady that we’ve seen a lot with you lately, who’s even waiting for you backstage?”

“Yes,” he beamed. “Kathleen’s my girlfriend.”

The crowd went wild... In a good or in a bad way? Half and half. Larry shippers, I sighed. Couldn’t really blame them.

“That’s great news!” she exclaimed. “How long have you two been dating?”

“Well, sometime,” Harry glanced at her to smile at me again.

“Kathleen, would you accept to come on stage with us?”

Wait, what?

“Come on, don’t be shy!”

I slowly made my way there, trying to smiled at the camera, high-fiving myself for deciding put on makeup that morning. I mean, couldn’t they have warned me or something? I’m sure they all knew, goddammit.

The lads squeezed themselves to make me some place beside Harry.

“So love, how is it to be in a relationship with Harry Styles?”

Harry took my hand.

“I’m not in a relationship with Harry Styles, I’m in a relationship with Harry. Just Harry.”

She nodded. “I see what you mean. But there are still some things that come with the fact that he’s famous, no?”

I chuckled. “Well, except the fact that he has millions of girls at his feet, no, not really.”

“Where are you from? Your accent sounds American, but at the same time, not exactly.”

“Québec, but I lived in California for the last years.”

“Quebec?” Gosh I hated when people were so surprised and somehow cocky when they heard that. For fuck’s sake, I’m not a dumbass who lived in the woods.

“Yep. My mother tongue is French.”

“Well, that’s interesting.”

I so hated her and her damn attitude. Freaking bitch.

For a second I even thought she’d use me as a circus animal and make me speak French to entertain people. Thank god she didn’t.

“What are you doing in life?”

“I’m a programmer,” I started. I was planning to continue, but I decided to stop here. “I won’t say more because I don’t want people to know me professionally for being Harry’s girlfriend.”

“That’s understandable. What do you think of the other lads?”

I didn’t know this interview was about me, bitch.

“They’re really nice and fun to hang out with. Fame hasn’t given them big heads.”

She finally let go of me and started fan questions. The boys energetically answered, fooling around like always. I tried to say something every now and then, but most of the time I just sat there. There wasn’t any Larry question: either the fans got the message (which I highly doubted) or management had told the interviewer to shut the fuck up about it (and that was probably the answer – excuse my swearing).

“Here’s one for you, Harry!” Jane or whatever her name was (I’m positive it started with J though... unless it was C?). “From @Mely­_1D.”

I grinned. What is this little monster up too? Harry gave me a knowing smile.

“She asks, ‘Who is afraid during horror movies? Kath... or yourself?’”

I laughed. Hard. And Harry pouted. “They’re all screaming like baby girls and it’s boring as hell!” I managed to say (yeah, I tried to restrain myself from swearing Live. It half worked, at least I hadn’t said ‘as fuck’.)

“Hey!” Zayn protested.

“Except Zayn,” I added and he thanked me. “Zayn’s a teenage girl.”

They all laughed, and he got mad at me. He threw his bottle of water at me, but I dodged it and it landed on Harry behind me.


They began throwing things at each other as I just laughed at them, along with Carol-I-don’t-care-what-her-name-really-was. Louis almost immediately fought with them, followed by Niall, Liam trying to make them stop.

Note to self, high-five Mely later.

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