CHAPTER 37 - Memory Download Complete

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Phoenix was the last of the Titan X crew to don a memory helmet as Sarah stood to the side and watched, monitoring the eBoard tablet. The inside of the device contained pads that cushioned his head. Without warning, those pads mushed around his skull for a comfortable fit. It reminded him of a football helmet, the recollection from when he played quarterback for the Naval Academy. That time in his life seemed like eons ago.

Sarah touched the tablet with the tip of her finger, bringing up a holographic image that ballooned out a few inches from the screen. She swiped her index finger to the side, scrolling through a list of commands, probably selecting the correct memory download. With what she wanted displayed on the hologram, she jabbed at the floating tab and instantly, a soothing warmth washed over Phoenix's head and grew into a mind numbing, body tingling euphoria that overwhelmed his senses. Naturally, he closed his eyes and felt himself drop into a world of virtual reality where he saw words hovering in front of him:

Memory File: SSA-001.737

Content: Orientation Video

Subject: Station Assembly 7/15/2045

Classified: Top Secret

Cinematic music cued as a deep bass rumbled and a drum thumped. Following that, a cello strummed with a harmonious rhythm.

Phoenix walked into a large theater-like auditorium, down the center aisle.

The precise voice of a female narrator began, "Welcome to the Space Station Arcturus. For the next three years, you will join us in our home among the stars. Thank you for attending the orientation in our lecture auditorium. If you are a university student, you will return to this room for daily class instruction as part of our education outreach program. If you are here as part of a research team, or are on work related detail, then you will report to your assignment chief for further instructions."

"You will find your assignment descriptions on the eBoard tablets mounted in front of you in your seat. Please log into the system now with the username and password given to you upon arrival."

Phoenix chose a chair and sat. Only now did he notice Nova, Callisto, Luna, and Ariel in the auditorium with him. They all looked at each other and took a seat in the same row as Phoenix. Ariel sat next to him. She smiled with a sparkle in her eyes. No one talked. The scene was surreal, captivating.

People of all ages appeared around them, filling the room, everyone calm, waiting with expectation.

A wall-size screen showed a pie chart. It changed as the surrounding people logged in, increasing from seventy-seven percent, ninety-six percent, and finally, one hundred percent.

"Thank you for logging into the system. The orientation will now continue."

The bass intensified, then fell away, ensued by a classical violin introduction.

"From its sprawling halls to its innovative laboratories, the Space Station Arcturus is mankind's greatest endeavor in the outer solar system. After man first stepped foot on Mars in the year 2033, the next phase of exploration began four years later with the initial launch of Arcturus components. Thirteen launches and seven years in transit, assembly began on May 5th, 2044. It was the beginning of destiny. Humanity's fingerprint among the planets, and a mid-station for our journey to the stars."

The bass instrument thrummed again. The strumming of the cello followed and faded.

On the big screen, a view appeared of the wheel-like station, rotating with the giant red spot of Jupiter as a backdrop. The stubby extensions of escape pod tubes protruded at various locations along the exterior. Contoured spacecraft orbited nearby, looking more like cylinder-shaped submarines than conventional winged ships.

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