CHAPTER 40 - Perilous Mission

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While the other three members of the Titan X crew were in the pod bay, Callisto, Nova, and Luna approached Sector C on the way to the main laboratory. Callisto crept out in front, leading the way with his Viper rifle trained on the looming shadows. Behind him and to his left, Luna had their only flashlight clutched against her weapon with one hand, the finger of her other hand hovering over the trigger. Nova flanked her, eyes probing the darkness.

Callisto squashed his nerves. Forced himself to remain calm. He wanted to be confident, calculated, and strong like he was when he rescued Nova from the shark. But this time, the darkness gnawed at him, agitated him, an annoying and constant peeling away of his outer defenses. Fear of the unknown prevented him from relying on the systematic and routine way he handled things normally. It was a battle of wills. His will versus the evil waiting for them in the shadows of the station.

But something else motivated him, kept him marching forward. He was tired of playing the mechanic who always got overlooked, especially by Nova. Phoenix was his friend. But then Nova stepped foot on the U.S.S. Fortitude, eight years ago, and her first glance was not to Callisto but to his superior officer, the pilot everyone adored. Callisto kept his feelings for Nova under wraps, hidden, tucked away somewhere safe. Then Phoenix put Nova in harm's way. She lost her leg and died.

How she was next to him today, walking around on two legs, he didn't know. He could only thank Sarah and the science behind the Titan X program for that miracle.

They neared the letter C, which was painted white on the corridor wall. Claw marks sliced it in half. Black blood stained the wall and floor below the letter, a tinge of crimson still visible. Callisto swallowed the lump in his throat and rounded the corner, making the turn into the side passageway.

He had been biding his time, waiting for the right moment to make his move on Nova. That's what he did. He played the waiting game better than anyone he knew. He had to position himself in Nova's heart before Phoenix broke through the barrier in her mind and stirred the passion they once had for each other.

Callisto had never seen two people more stark raving in love with each other. One moment they were arguing and butting heads, the next, lip-locked in a tight embrace, sneaking away, doing what lovers do behind closed doors. Well, he could imagine, but he didn't want to.

"I say we take the stairwell," Luna said. She swung her weapon and the light from the path in front of them to the bottom step, and then up to the stairs to the first landing.

"Negative," Nova replied. "Three flights and too many corners to turn.

"We take the elevator," Callisto said, a statement, not a question.

Nova nodded. "Correct, Ensign Tenzing."

He answered her with a forced smile, adjusted the stock of his Viper against his shoulder and moved further into the lead. The tug of war continued in his head. He was strong. He was weak. He was afraid. He was confident. The doubts kept rising, but he maintained a mask of strength and resolve on the outside, his face hard and stoic.

Luna wagged her head, appearing miffed by his show of bravery. She would get over it.

Callisto gritted his teeth, willing himself to be firm. A leader. To hell with being weak.

At the elevator, Luna tapped the open button. When the doors didn't part fast enough, she continued to rap on it until they slid open. Now she was the one with the shaky nerves. He liked the new role. He could grow into this.

Inside the box, Nova pressed the number on the touchscreen for the desired floor. The doors closed, and they were on their way. Callisto sensed the elevator moving, but it felt less pronounced, weird, in the simulated gravity.

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