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I remembered how graceful and elegant she always was without even trying.
She was the definition of beauty and I was the filthy admirer who only watched from afar.
Anything she set her mind to she could do. She could walk on water if she chose.
She was my religion, but ultimately she was my goddess.

In the month of October the winds were bitter and relentless. No matter how many layers I seemed to put on, the wind would always succeed in making me cold. All I could do was try to pull up the collar of my coat a little more to keep the cold off my neck as I walked to my office.
My name is known by many because of what I do. When people hear the name Takanori Matsumoto, most people think clothes. Others think of a revolution. I began the war on fashion with my atypical designs and styles, however that boldness is what got me here today. That same bold attitude is what put "Daze," my fashion line, on top. Coming from practically nothing and working my ass off to get where I am now has made me have sensitive tastes and a 100% tip top best of the best attitude. Others would just call me a bitch and a stuck up tight ass, but I know what I want and I know what the best is. Now why on a cold day would I be walking my pampered picture perfect ass to my office? Because even big shots have car trouble.
"Yuu, Please tell me you have those sketches done?" I say walking in and hanging up my coat.

"Taka, I just started on them this morning, i'm not a wizard you know." Yuu, my sketch artist, says with attitude.

"Well with what i'm paying you, you should be a wizard by now." I say plopping in my chair and lighting up a cig.

"Jesus, do you have to smoke that thing in here? I'm trying to quit." Yutaka says never taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"Hey, if you can't control yourself around others then your not strong enough to quit." I say taking a long deep drag, then exhaling slowly.

"Fuck." I say gently.

"What? You upset because you had to walk?" Akira says with a smirk."

"Next time i'll make you carry me in." I say narrowing my eyes at him. I leaned back in my chair and looked around for a mintue before I was ready for the day to begin.

"So, Kouyou, These next girls are the ones who made it through the preliminary stage right?" I ask.

"Yes, sir. They are the "moderately acceptable" ones as you would put it." He says.

I let out a sigh and then standing, putting out my cig in the ash trey.

"Might as well get this bullshit over with. So many starving girls who all want to be models. They'll even resort to sleeping with me if that's what it takes."

"You've never indulged in that offer before, have you Mr. Matsumoto?" Kouyou asks nervously.

"Of course not. All they want is to blackmail the shit out of you so they can be a model. I tell you Kouyou, all women who aspire to be models have no morals whatsoever."

Kouyou and I walked into a separate room, where I take a seat at a table and he leaves the room to get our first applicant.
Daze was in need of a new face for our winter line. I wanted a girl with a more innocent looking face so she could captivate our consumers.
In came our first girl, and after her, nine more followed. All 10 were attractive and would appeal to the average person of the upper middle and upper class people. However, something wasn't grabbing me. That look of innocence isn't there.

"Um Taka, There's an 11th girl..." Kouyou says suddenly.

"We only kept 10 didn't we?" I say annoyed.

"Well, then you told me to keep one back up in case... Should I have her come in?" He says.
I sat there and thought for a minute about each girl and quickly came to the conclusion that this girl hopefully could be my ace. At least I hope so. I'm sick of the norm when it comes to models.

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