is this a dream?

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ok so i got really bored yesterday so i tiyped this up hahahaha anyway here ya go:) vote and comment!!!!


~Bella's POV~

It felt like we had been sitting in the living room of the Salvatore house forever. Both Elena and I had no idea when we would hear from the boys again I couldn't help but worry about them. What if something happened? I shook my head from the thought and sighed. There was a knock on the door and both Elena and I blankly stared at each other.

"I'll get it' she said in a shaky voice. I nodded and fallowed behind her in case something went wrong.

We opened the door to see a young girl with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes along with Edward. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. That's when I knew Jake was still with Klaus. I felt like crying but the tears wouldn't come. I looked over at Elena seeing that she too was almost in tears.

"Where's Stephen and Damon?" she asked quietly.

"There fine don't worry they sent me back here, Carlisle, my father went to help them set free Jake and stop Katherine from getting her hands on a vampire." Edward said slowly then turned to the girl with blond hair and this is Caroline Forbes. She is Elena's friend and is here to help protect you guys" he said

Caroline came in and shut the door "hi Bella it's very nice to meet you Edward has told me a lot about you." She said.

"Nice to meet you as well" I said giving her a friendly smile. Then we all headed into the living room where Elena and I earlier

'''Later '''

After a few hours of waiting and hoping Damon and Stephen came through the door.... But no Jake. It felt like I was broken inside. If my heart was beating it would have just cracked into pieces. How was I going to explain this to Nessie? I looked down at my hands in my lap and sighed. Stephen came over to me then and knelt down beside me.

"Bella I am so so sorry we can't find a way to break him free but we have a plan. The ritual is going to be played out tonight we have Klaus's Brother on our side eh will help us get Jake out and a different werewolf in. we found a spell that will protect Elena and make her come back to life. This will all work out I sewer. I won't let any of your family get hurt." He said looking at me. All I could do was nod I couldn't speak. Just then Carlisle and Esme came through the door and into the living room

"What?! Wait whoa you dot have to be invited into a house first!?" Damon said looking at all of us

"No, that's crazy why would we do that? We can enter a house whenever we want and not have to be invited in?" Edward said looking at him confused.

"Because us vampires in the real world have to be invited in and what's with the no rig thing? Don't you guys burn up in the sun?" Damon asked

"Nope" I said laughing at Damon's expression.,

He growled and mumbled to himself something about bunny eaters. Edward busted out laughing like a mad man and everyone gave him a weird look. "what? I can read his mind and it was funny." Edward said everyone else laughed and shook their heads. Damon got up and walked upstairs.

"Oh, Damon? Renesmes in Stephens's room sleeping so be quiet please?" Elena said and I smiled.

"Thanks" I said

"Very welcome." She said smiling back.

"Why is she in my room? I didn't have time to clean it. She's problly to scared to sleep in there it's a mess." Stephen said and Elena laughed.

"Doesn't worry I cleaned everything off your bed. It's all just books it's not like its food everywhere and dirt and dust you just read too much." Elena said laughing. Everyone else laughed to. This was nice forgetting about the worries that where to come and joking and smiling. I felt happy... For now

~Jakes POV~

When I opened my eyes I was facing a stone wall. What the heck? I looked around to see I was in what looked like a underground cave. I tried to move but I was chained to the wall. I growled and tried phasing it didn't work how I planned. I tried pulling the chains from the wall but that didn't work ether. I sat on the floor frustrated with myself. It was problly Klaus who put me in hear. Why did it have to be me? Im not even from hear. I can't die I have a family and a girlfriend....Nessie. Thinking about her made me want to cry. At least he let her go but that might have been the last time I ever get to see her again. I shook my head trying to focus on getting out of here. That's when I heard footsteps I looked up hopefully but it was only the girl with Klaus. Katherine. I growled at her and she just giggled.

She walked over to me and stood in front of me "well well well the poor puppy isn't getting saved what ever will we do about that?" she said in her baby voice.

"Shut up you brat no one cares about you. You're just mad because you're going to be alone forever. Didn't I hear that you will be dead soon? Oh yes I did because you're a selfish brat!" I yelled at her. She slapped me hard and I felt it. My cheek stung and I could feel all the blood rush to it making it warm and red. I growled.

"I brought you a new play mate." She said then chained a girl up to the wall opposite of me. It was too dark to tell who she was because Katherine was standing in front of her. 'I can't wait to see you die." Katherine said to me and I reached out and kicked her in the knee she fell to the ground and glared at me.

"you stupid mutt!" she yelled then ran off I shook my head then looked to see who was chained up across from me. That's when my heart stopped and my world froze into pieces. It was not a random girl off the street.... It was Nessie.

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