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     He had walked until he was all the way back at his home. He tilted his head as he neared the door as a confused animal might. The stench of her death had wafted out to him, and he breathed in deeply. It smelled of his lovers perfume mixed with blood. He began to walk up to his front porch steps as the sun began creeping out from behind the horizon to illuminate the scene he was about to enter.

     He stood in their room and looked down at his beautiful angel. She hadn't moved from her spot on their bed. The blood had now dried to a deep red, and her eyes had glazed over even more. He strode towards their bed and laid softly down beside her. He grasped her shoulders and turned her stiff body onto its back. Flies scattered as he moved their current food source.

     "Hello love, how'd you sleep?" he whispered the question. He could've sworn he saw her lips move. The next thing he knew he heard hoof steps. He raised his eyes as the horse stood infront of him. Its eyes seemed bloodier than the last time they had met and its hooves even more cracked.

     He heard its strong voice ringing in his ears, "She's not coming back."

     "NO! She is, she will! She has to. She's my angel forever." He was quickly begining to panic as the horse stepped closer to the side of the bed she lay on. He stuck out his muzzle and inhaled the scent of the corpse. The man watched as the horse continued inhaling her scent. With each inhale the animal began looking more and more human. Its muzzle began shortening and its fur fell off in clumps from its muscular body. The man could hear cartilage and bone cracking and reasembling itself. the man watched in horror as the beast became a man.

     When the transformation was complete before him stood a man wearing a dark suit that reaked of something acrid and foul. The stranger smiled a toothless grin in the mans direction. He advanced around the bed as the man rose from where he had been sitting.

      The stranger put a hand on the mans forehead and spoke in the same gravelley voice the horse had, "Your songs are getting darker my friend. Run from your mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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