chapter 10: graduation

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~ rose ~

I got changed into my graduation cloths and put on my lipstick and let my hair flow naturally over my shoulders. I am waring underneath my graduation gown a black white and blue dress that is similar to the one I used in my explanation to the group the only difference is the top part is blue black and white and it covers my back and shoulders the bottom part is the same length as the equinox one the material is clings to my thighs.

Earlier in the week I had been told I was to give the valli Victorian speech in front of all our guests and staff and graduates. I had worked tireless for hours to perfect my speech I just hope everyone thinks its good enough.

I grab my clutch and put on my black 5 inch high heels I walk out the door where a nervous Dimitri, mum and dad sit I made sure my phone and blank parlm cards are in there as well as my two stakes not that I'll need them if a fight breaks out.

I walk down the stairs where everybody is awaiting my arrival down stairs. I gracefully descended the stairs and let every body look me over.

Mason said, "your damn lucky we're related or I'd make passes at ya"

Dimitri said , "your damn lucky you two are related and she is your best friend or I'd kill you"

Abe said, "well your damn lucky your in love with my daughter and she might love you too and your kayden bio father or I'd kill you painfully and slowly for saying that to my son"

I say in turkish, "baba your damn lucky your are my baba or I'd hurt you for making threats against him"
I turn to Dimitri and continue in Russian, "your damn lucky your kayden father and that I still have feelings for you or I'd kick your ass"
I turn to mason and continue in French, "your damn lucky that your my brother and kayden is your nephew or I'd mame you"

All three say, "why do you learn such things kitz/ roza/ roro"

Everybody laughs I reply, "so I can be the best protector I can be and so I can listen in on conversation people think I don't know the meaning of"

The all give me 'of course' look like they know what I really mean.

~ Dimitri ~

My roza looks beautiful we all pile into the car and drive to the hall on campus.

We entered the hall. Rose sat at the table labeled muzur party she sat next to me and lissa . christian sat with Lissa with mason next to vika. Then Sonja and Roslyn then karo with zoya then Paul and mama and babushka then Alberta and Abe with kayden between them. We all carried on with our conversations

~alberta ~

he announcer said, " thank you everybody for being here for the graduation of the class for 2017. First our valli Victorians speach. I'm proud and pleased to introduce rose asher petrov, dragomir, mazur, ivashov"

Rose got up and headed togthe stage and started

," hello every body I know your all confused but let's not dwell on that let's get this speach started *pulls cards from pursue* you know what *throse cards on floor* everybody assumes this is the time to get things right and perfect the first time but in reality this it the time to make fall in love.....take a train and get stuck somewhere....... To get lost on a run.......or something else.

Everybody assumes that the connections and friend ships you make or have mad on your long journey to get here don't matter that you'll never see or speak to them again that isn't true the friends you have made are for life they have stood by and helped you grow just like you have done for them. So everything we take from here out there is everything we've learnt weather it be by trial and error.

Or to take a situation the wrong way and make it worse until you finally make it right but just remember to simple solution isn't always the easiest or the right way. Do the job right the first time and you won't have to do it again. And if your afraid to do something fake it till you make it. I'd like to thank everybody who has helped me on my journey this past year/month thank you "

She picked up her cards and walked back through the applause and whistles. I always knew rose would excel but that speech made evey girl cry and every boy pump his fists

~ Abe ~

I am so proud of her she made a decision a good one and stuck to it until she made it a reality. As the names are called one by one there was a brief applause and a summery of there causes and a PowerPoint of there assessment they have handed in in there final year.rose was called.

The headmistress handed rose her diploma and said, "this student has only been here for a month and has a perfect GPA , attendance, and behavior records. Her corces were ap art business and languages witch were Romanian Scottish and french. She has become a big sister of sorts to new students. She has helped out numerous students in her short while here. She will be missed"

Roses power point played in her language classes her stories for art a beautiful rose with a face of everybody in her family. In business her idea of a spirit gauge and as her work as a big sister group shots with every cluster of people she had helped . The PowerPoint ended

I already knew about the spirit gauge. After rose told me about it we made a prototype and tested it and it even works on Dhampir spirit/darkness users. It went into production two weeks ago. it hit the shelf a week ago and we've made hundreds of millions of dollars on one of roses ideas my girl is a pistle. I live her with all my heart .

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