Too Many Tears

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I heard Liv say "I'm so sorry, but shes my best friend." and run after me calling my name "SAM, SAM, YOU PABO! SLOW DOWN!"

I ran so fast and so far I had no idea where I was going. She kept running after me and calling my name, I didn't slow down. I didn't want to. I was so scared, I honestly have no idea what I said. I saw a door and I ran for it. I ended up going into a parking garage and curling into a ball in the corner closest to the door.

I heard Liv run past and I knew I was really alone. The quiet was defining and I felt safe to cry out loud. I guess Liv heard me start to cry and came back into the garage.

"GO AWAY!"  I screamed at her. But I did it in English, "I'm tired of trying so hard just to set myself up for failure! I tried so hard this time! I really did..." I cried once again. As Liv placed her hands on both of my knees the door slammed open, "TAE! SHE'S IN HERE!!!" I looked up to see Jungkook.

He was out of breath and bent over to breathe. Liv stood up "Jungkook? Why are you here?" she looked really confused. I don't think it was because Kookie was here, I think it was because she didn't know how to feel. Her best friend just screwed up her once in a lifetime chance to meet BTS, but Jungkook was here with just the three of us. "T-Tae ran after you" He said out of breath. "And I ran after her" He said pointing at Liv, "I never got to..."

Just then Tae ran in. I looked up at him, a tear running down my cheek, and barried my face back into my knees "Just go away." It was soft this time. And in Korean. I wanted him to know what I was saying. But I heard his steps come closer. He sat down next to me, lifted my head and wiped my tears. He embraced me, I could hear his heart pounding. Mine was too.

"I'm so sorry" I said wrapping my arms around his neak sobbing into his shoulder. He grabed my hands and unravled them from around him, "Why are you sorry?" He placed them in my lap but kept a hold of them and looked into my eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"He blushed and looked down at our entertwined hands. "I was just so shocked by what you said."

I looked at Liv. She could tell I did it again. The thing where I say what I'm thinking out loud but don't remember what it was. "Sam, do you even know what you said?" "Not a clue, Tae?" I looked him in the eyes, "I'm sorry if I offended you." Jungkook let out a small chuckle, "You guys are perfect for eachother" He put his arm around Liv, "Aren't they?" He didn't realize what he was doing but when he did he took his arm off from around her. She smiled at him and entertwinded her fingers his. Her eyes locked with mine and she smiled. "You called him sexy, in your exact words "Oh my God you're so sexy I don't understand"' "For real? I really said that?" I started laughing really hard, and not my cute laugh. My big, real, snort, shoulder shake laugh. I couldn't cointain myself.

A/n: Hey guys! Author here. Sorry I update at random times. I'm a busy person, lol. But thanks for reading! I really hope you liked it! And any votes would really help out.

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