You couldn't imagine how awkward it was seeing Kyle after that night. Even facing him in the morning was a bit awkward. But for some reason that awkwardness was strangely comforting. Yeah it was also a bit weird.

I am already an awkward person with mostly everything that I do, so putting me in a situation where it is bound to be awkward...forget it, I'm done for. Everything was fine in the morning but when we got to school the following day, thats where things were completely awkward. Yeah we still flirted and talked tons but it was somehow different. Like something different was just thrown right in the mix and I couldn't quite put my finger right on it. I still continued with a weird feeling things were going to change.  I didn't know if it would be a good change or something bad.

I ended up telling my best friend and some other friends what had happened between me and Kyle. Some just wanted to know how good it was or how big it know typical teenage wonders. But when I ended up telling my best friend things just got really awkward. She apparently liked a Kyle also. And to my surprise it just happened to be the same one. I wasn't sure whether to be upset with myself for this or upset with her for not telling me. I am sure that she had probably tried telling me before. I was just too caught up in my own hectic life to even pay attention to what she was saying. And that still upsets me to the max. I wasn't there to listen to my best friend. Why was I even considered her best friend when i couldn't even take myself out of my own shit to listen to her for 5 damn minutes. 5 minutes or my time could of taken us out of the situation we were put in. I almost lost my best friend and 5 minutes could of stopped her from second guessing our friendship. 5 minutes could of stopped me from cheating.  5 minutes could of stopped me from all the shit I am put into now. Just 5 damn minutes could of changed everything. I try not to dwell on the past and I try to think about here and now. Whenever I think back to the past or ahead in the future I get super emotional and I am no longer in a mental state I should be in.

Imagine pretty sure Kyle got mad at me telling people what happened and k couldn't understand why. It's not like he even had feelings for me. But about a month later a friend in one of my classes told me that her and Kyle were talking. That broke me. My best friend and him were talking, another one of my good friends was going to hook up with him. So who else? And what was I?

Rachel was another friend of mine. She had know Kyle for longer then any of us. She had warned me about him, but I couldn't see why. She also told me a few weeks later that Kyle had been talking to her too. And not even a week later he was already hitting on one of my other friends. From that day, I pledged to myself that I would no longer let Kyle get away with this.

Awhile later I found out that Kyle decided to try to talk to someone that was an aquantinces. Rose (my best friend) and I decided that no more girls needed to be hurt by him. So we talked to her and after that she backed off. I figured it was for the best.

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