1. To New Beginnings

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I let out a a breath I didn't know I was holding in. This was a new beginning and all I was gonna do today is stay at my new apartment that I now call home and do whatever.

I had just finished unpacking and it was half past eleven. Shoving a loose chocolate brown hair strand behind my ear, I look around the now furnished apartment and sigh in satisfaction. All that is left to do was go to the supermarket and get what I needed.

Putting on my white shoes, I quickly grab my keys, phone and some cash and make my way towards the nearest store with my car.

By the time that I had arrived at the nearest store it had already been an hour all thanks to having gotten lost a few times.

I quickly enter the store before taking a shopping cart and I start towards the aisle that holds chips before going to the aisle that holds the vegetables and frozen products and such.

Picking out at least 5 bags of chips and several packets of gummy bears, I spill them into my shopping cart before I view the several other choices I have got. I was craving some ice cream recently, so why not proceed to that section as well.

The store was pretty spacious, so leave it to me to get lost while only getting groceries. I go to the nearest person that I see which is quite literally the only one person here since at this point it was around midnight and it was practically empty here.

"Excuse me? Could you tell me where I could find some ice cream?" I ask as I reach the person who happens to be a rather tall and broad guy.

"Oh, yeah. It's just two aisles over. I was going there anyways, so come with me." He turned around and smiled at me. Well, I did not see that coming.
"Oh, thanks. That would be great."

"And here it is." He points towards the freezers as he stalks towards it getting a few of those small ice cream packages and I do the same but I get two of the large ones. A berries and yogurt tube and a vanilla tube.
I thanked him as I was ready to part ways, satisfied with the ice cream that I have got and planned to head for the vegetables aisle which should be near me.

"It's no problem. My name's Chris by the way." He said as he held his hand out.
I shook his hand as I tripped over my words, "yeah, I know- I mean, my name's Grace." I fumbled over my words as I remembered how I looked. Flustered, lazy, comfortable and flushed. I mean, who wouldn't. It was Chris Evans for crying out loud.
He laughed at my flustered self before he said that it was nice to meet me.

"Sorry, I am new here so I am a bit flustered." I confessed as I let out a slight chuckle while running a hand through my chocolate brown locks.

With his sparkling smile intact he moves his grocery basket from his left hand to his right as he responde with a deep chuckle, "you seem to be doing just fine." He assures me before questions me about where I moved from.

"Uh, I just moved here from North Carolina, actually." I answered as I let go of the shopping cart's handle to tug on my red hoodie's sleeve.

"Woah, that's a long move away from home. When did you move here?

"I just got here this morning actually, just about finished unpacking." I sigh out in relief over getting the packing finished within a single day.

Looking at me with raised eyebrows he nods, "you really don't waste your time, do you?" He let out a little laugh that made my heart flutter a little and I managed to move my head in a nodding manner.

"Am I keeping you? I'm keeping you, aren't I?" He quickly questioned after we had paused for a few moments, only smiling at one another.

"No, no, no! It's nice making a new friend." I admittedly confessed, watching his lips tug wider, showing some of his shiny teeth.

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