Damn Heart

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Pulling up in front the actually quite fancy restaurant, I stare out into the entrance of the restaurant through the closed window. Why was I so nervous?

"You ready?" He said, bringing me back to reality.

"I think so?" I semi-stated/semi-questioned as I looked at him.

He just looked at me, with a small reassuring smile before he set his hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze. "They'll love you. I know they will."

After a moment or two, we got out of the car. Giving the Valet the car keys, Chris then goes by my side and puts his hand on the small of my back, leading me into the restaurant. As soon as we stepped into the restaurant it was as if we stepped into a whole different world, a fancy and expensive one. I felt overly underdressed but not being the only underdressed one with the help of Chris helped me disregard that feeling as soon as I felt it.

It was quite empty, with very few occupied tables. The restaurant was beautifully designed and dressed in gold paint and what not and oak brown wood. The different sized round tables were strategically scattered around the restaurant with cream colored table cloths and chairs matching it.

"Chris, this is really fancy." I let out in a whisper as he directed me as we both followed the waiter that was leading us through several tables until we came into view with a largely occupied table.

"No. Chris. No." I nearly tripped as soon as I spotted Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jr. "Those are the friends? Damn it, Chris. As if it wasn't enough that I going out with a man with the best ass I have ever seen, way to help with the nervousness." I exclaimed as I looked at him, seeing him laugh. "Don't laugh!" I whisper-shout as I hit his arm.

"Chris!" Exclaimed none other than Scarlett Johansson as soon as we reached their table. Almost immediately everyone stood up to greet Chris before he introduced me which in toll made everyone greet me with warm hugs and 'how are you's before we all settled down.

Several of the Marvel cast was here, there was Scarlett, Robert, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson, Sebastian Stan and Tom Hiddleston. I felt like a child meeting the tooth-fairy.

I was seated in-between Chris and Scarlett and I assumed that there was no one else joining considering that all the chairs were full. Soon enough, everyone was submerged into a conversation with someone else, I sat and watched how they all bonded with each other which put me at some degree of ease. It wasn't until we said our orders that everyone directed their attention onto me.

An Avenger attack. Shit?

"Tell us a bit about you, Chris wouldn't tell us much about who his mystery friend was." Said Scarlett.

My eyes quirked up as I looked at Chris as soon as Scarlett spoke. Mystery friend? As if already regretting this introductory dinner, Chris ran his hand down his face as he very slightly shook his head, already embarrassed.

Letting out a slight laugh before speaking, "well, I work at Valento's Fashion House, I just started there since I only moved out here a bit ago."

As if some sort of light bulb lit up, it dawned on Scarlett that we met a few days prior. "Oh! That's why you look so familiar. You helped me with my dress at the movie premier!"

"Yeah, that was me." I admitted with a slight laugh. The nervousness there yet somehow not.

Soon enough they started asking me how Chris and I met and we got to tell them the most cheesy story ever of how we met at a grocery store. Then the topic changed around a lot until eventually it came to where a few left and there very little of us left, just Elizabeth, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett, Chris and I.

Moving closer to Chris, I lower my voice before asking, "why didn't you tell me that they were the friends that I was going to meet tonight?"

He shrugged his shoulders before plainly telling me that he thought nothing of it and that it wasn't that important a fact to mention to which I instantly agreed with him on.

"You know, I am still a bit surprised you even wanted to introduce me to any of your friends. I didn't think you would, at least not this early." I quietly admitted.

"What? Why?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders slightly, "I don't know. I mean, we haven't been going out for long. I didn't think that you'd be willing to involve me in your life this early. I don't know how to explain it quite right." I sighed as I looked from my hands back up to his blue eyes.

We were in such close proximity that we could feel each other's breaths on each of our faces. Regardless of how close, I felt comfortable. You'd think one would be jittery, but I wasn't.

He took one of my hands into his before he spoke, "you're pretty great. And if you haven't gotten the memo yet, I pretty much like you. I liked you the second that I saw which ice cream flavor you picked out and I was hooked." I let out a laugh of surprise to which he smiled at while he tangled his fingers with mine.

"I'd be crazy not to want to involve you in my life the second that I met you. I want you involved." He admitted as he looked me in the eye, as if he could read me

Cough. Was someone coughing? Cough. Uh, yes.

Turning our focus back to those surrounding us, we are brought back to reality and I can already tell that my ears were bright red from the embarrassment. I did great, one of my most personal experiences with Chris and it was in front of all of his friends. I was bound to look like an red eared elf by this point.

"Uh, we thought we'd hit the road, it's getting pretty late." Said Tom as they all slowly got up and gathered their belongings.

In turn, Chris and I slowly got up and went to hug everyone goodbye while we all agreed that we should do it soon. "If you don't bring her next time, you're out of our circle, Chris." Threatened Elizabeth making me let out a small laugh.

"It was great meeting you guys, I had a lot of fun!" I said before we hugged once more before going our different paths this time for real.

As Chris pulled up in front of my apartment building, I took my seatbelt off and said a quick thank you without getting out of the car.

"I had a lot of fun, thank you." I thanked him as we both turned to look at each other.

"I did too." He replied before speaking up again, "movie night tomorrow?"

I nodded in response. "I get to pick the movie."

He laughed a little, but agreed anyway.

"I really really like you. I really do." I admitted, emphasizing on each 'really' I spoke. His smile didn't falter and it didn't change. All I know is that the next thing happening was that both of his hands were on either sides of my face and we were full on kissing.

Oh, well.

"I really really like you, too. I really do."

Regardless of the fact that I heard this for the second time today from him, I couldn't help feeling more ecstatic the second time around.

Oh, well.
There goes my damn heart.

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