Late Snack

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"I am coming!" I yelled at the door as the person kept knocking and knocking.
When I reached the door, I finally opened it rather too violently that one should check how the hinges were holding up.

"Chris?" I asked as I made way for him to come in, "is something wrong?"
He gladly walked in before turning around and smiling at me. "No, why would there be?"
Why would there be? Uh?
I closed the door with one swing, confused.
"What do mean 'why would there be?' It's 1 in the morning." I stated, confusion fairly clear in my tone. I mean, who wouldn't be confused right now?

He lifted up some grocery bags before stating what they were. "I brought some ice cream and chips!"

We were sitting on my couch eating bowls and bowls of ice cream and chips watching tv shows on end. It was 3 in the morning. I was still curious as to why he decided to come in the middle of the night unannounced. It wasn't like we knew each other long enough to freely do so. I was worried.

"Hmh?" He asked as he faced me.
"What happened?" I asked, a hint of worry clear in my voice.
Furrowing his eyebrows he asked me what I meant.
"You went to a girl that you barely know's apartment at 1 in the morning. If that doesn't scream something is wrong, then I don't know what does." I clarified.
"I just didn't want the day to end, I guess. It was a good day."

"Thanks for letting me crash." Said Chris as we stood at the doorstep of my apartment.
"Well, I wasn't going to let you drive home at the break of dawn." I reasoned as I leaned onto the opened door.
"See you later?"

"Grace? Miss Valento wants to see you." Said Mia, a co-worker, as she passed by with several folders in hand. Must have just come out of Miss Valento's office, I suppose.
I make my way towards the elevator so I can go to the third floor.

Within a span of a few days, I must've done at least twenty designs and all of which pleased Miss Valento but only two of which she thought would be good enough to take on and sew. I was not complaining, I am glad that she actually chose any to be sewed.

Walking into her office, reminding myself to have an upright posture. "You asked for me?" I asked before I came to a full stop standing in front of her desk directly.
"Yes, I did. I just wanted to check if your schedule was free right now. I wanted your assistance in a red carpet event that they want me at. We will be dressing a few of the actors." She said as she stopped writing whatever she was writing and looked up at me.
"I am sure that I can postpone what I was going to do for the day." I spoke.

Saying that I wasn't excited for this would be an absolute unbelievable lie which anyone would be able to see right through. I mean, it's only been a few days and I am assisting at a red carpet event? That's insane!
I was carrying several dresses and dresses and dresses that seemed to never end as I walked behind Miss Valento through a hotel hallway.
She finally stopped walking as she knocked at the door which was immediately opened.

Anxious to know whom I was going to help dress, I entered quickly following Miss Valento on suit and laid the many dresses onto a bed as Miss Valento did with what she had held.
"Well. Let's get right to it."
I was helping in dressing Scarlett Johansson and Cobie Smulders. Oh.

"Perfect. You guys look perfect." I complimented as I finished helping one of them into their dress. They were both ready to get onto the red carpet. Smiling at us, Cobie and Scarlett grabed their clutches before they thanked us and gave Miss Valento a hug and went onto their merry way.
They truly did look perfect. Scarlett in a strapless black dress that complemented her waist and a pair of golden pumps. While Cobie was in a long strapless red dress that hugged every curve she had and wore a pair of black heels. Both of them had their hair in a perfect bun and both of their makeups were perfectly done with the finishing touch of a mac red lipstick.

Letting out a sigh, satisfied with what we had done, I turned around and faced Miss Valento as I asked her of what we were to do now.
"Well, we stick around at the red carpet just in case they need any help or anything happens to their dresses." She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I have come to learn while I stood next to the endless amount of familiar stars that this was the premier of Marvel's The Avengers. Chris would be here. My heart leaped every time I would remember that. Why didn't he tell me that he had a premier to go to? Well, we had only been on one date and one, I don't know, midnight snack?
Anyways, I was nervous about seeing him today. I wasn't in a dress and I was a mess. But, I looked good in my black pants, plain white shirt, black blazer and black high heels. So, there was that.

I was anxious to see him. I can't seem to get enough of him ever since I laid eyes on him. I was practically a stalker, on the lookout for him.

The red carpet was filled with reporters, photographers, assistants and everyone including the stars taking interviews and being photographed. Miss Valento was by my side talking to someone I wasn't aware of who they may be.

I huffed out a breath of air of exhaustion as I gave up and tried to understand what Miss Valento was talking about but I also gave up on that so I watched Scarlett and Cobie as they got photographed together.

I guess I had dozed off as I was called out by Miss Valento repeatedly, "Grace? Grace! Scarlett needs help with her dress! Go!" She panicked slightly as she yelled at me over the loud chatter.
I quickly did what she told me to do and I went towards Scarlett.
"What's wrong with the dress?" I asked her, inspecting the dress from top to bottom. The top seemed fine so I bent down to knee level to check how the dress was holding up.
"The dress caught onto something." Oh, thank god that the dress wasn't torn.
I quickly saw what it was stuck to and I untangled it. The dress was short but had a lace layer from her right side, slightly covering the front view of her leg to the other side of her waist from behind. The lace had caught onto a stray nail that laid on the red carpet.
"Thank you!" Scarlett thanked me before hugging me. I assumed that she was worried that she ripped the dress and that was simply her relief showing. I smiled at her kindly before I started to make my way towards where Miss Valento was.

When I turned around on the red carpet, making my way towards Miss Valento, I caught sight of someone that I had been wanting to see ever since I knew he would be here. Chris had caught sight of me as well. I quickly shuffled myself back next to Miss Valento so I wouldn't cause a scene or give anything away to anyone. I didn't know whether Chris thought that this was serious enough for others to know about it already or not, but I didn't think that I did. I mean, dating a star is a big deal. For both sides and not always for the better. We barely even called the first date a date. It was ice cream. Why am I overthinking this?

I shook those thoughts out of my head as I looked back towards where Chris was. The man was really good in a suit. He was laughing along with the reporter as he looked around, his eyes roaming around, searching for something.

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