Race to the end

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Years into the future, after the human race has killed itself off, a new race of homo sapiens evolve. The homo expectros. They are more advanced in intelligence and skill than the homo sapiens, but they have yet to develop feelings. At the moment, that act like robots, without emotion. Soon things start to change and the 10th generation evolves feelings, love, friendship, sadness and hate. Will these obsticles improve the races chance of survival or will it cause them to become extinct like their ancestors?

Tami is one of the smartest in her hub. She is superior in electronics and forensic. Ribo is her rival, a genius at medicine and astrophysics. Their intelligence cause many conflicts, but soon they evolve their feelings and notice each other more than before. Could this lead to their destruction? Embri the expert in chemistry, wills them to cause catastrophe, knowing that with them gone she can twist the society around her little finger.

Will this new master race survive or will it destroy itself?


So this is my new idea for a story... what d'ya think?? Should I do it, it may only be a short story, but what d'ya all think??? hmmm??? I'd really like if you could all let me know!

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