RaceTTEnd 12

125 9 2

Sorry it has been so long since I updated!!! Well here it is, please vote and comment!

Happy Birthday Sadia!!!!! :D 


I stared at Tamu. His round eyes had seemed relieved at first, but when he saw the cold steel of my stare, they grew scared. If I had to I could strike down my branch, ending his life. Sadia peered around me to glance at Tamu. Her defence stance did not waver. I pulled my branch away from him, the light shining brightly on his face. Yes, it was Tamu. I lowered the branch completely and gestured, towards Sadia, with my hand that it was ok. She relaxed slightly, not putting away her knife and resigned to the fire. 

I helped Tamu out of the bush and pulled him to sit near the fire. I gave him some water and some left over meat. He ate it ravenously, only pausing to swallow. I watched him silently. My eyes drifted to Sadia who watched Tamu carefully. Her eyes met mine, they did not appear happy. Sighing, I turned back to Tamu.

"Tamu" His head shot up to peer at me through the murk. "What happened? I thought you were dead. The skull was a perfect match to your own skull. Explain" Tamu swallowed his food and placed a few bones on the dirt.

"They strapped me, to this chair. Except it had sharp stones and spikes on it. A torture chair. They made me sit on it" From the look on his face I could tell it must have been painful. "Anyway, they wanted to know where the rest of us were" This shocked me slightly as surely Embri had told them. I told him this, but he shook his head.

"Embri doesn't know where they are. When she left she did not bring any navigating equiptment with her, she doesn't know exactly where they are." I smiled slightly at this, a foreign shape on my face. The hubbard was safe then. 

"That's good Tamu" He looked up at me, and I detected fear still lurking in his eyes. "What Tamu?" His eyes lowered and his fingers brushed the small animal bones. "Tamu?" I realised. "Tamu what have you done?" The question seemed pointless as I knew what he'd done, but I had to know.

"I talked" He whispered. My heart beat rose. Tamu had told them where the hubbard is. They were most assuredly going to attack. Very well then. I stood and paced slightly. What to do? Oh if only Ribo were here, then maybe I would have the confidence to decide.


Ribo's POV

We were working our way towards the mountain. Fino had stayed back at the camp, just in case. We had seen shadows move against the fire. Tami? It had to be her, or we were just about to run into trouble. I signalled that I would move up the mountain first. I made my way up, carefully trying not to make noise. I hid behind a large rock and motioned for the others to join me. They were swift and silent. Tami had chosen the right people. I motioned to be silent. Tami was there with a strange green skinned person, and someone else who's back was to us. I could not tell what colour his skin was. I listened intently to their conversation.

"I talked" The person with his back to us whispered. Tami seemed to become distressed at this news, but her face began to switch to its leader mode. She was thinking. I carefully made my way through the bush near the rock and waited. The others sat near the rock still, awaiting orders. Tami began to pace. I stood slowly and waited for her to turn to face me.


I was scared. This had not happened before. As I turned again to continue pacing, I saw a large shadow. I stopped, my claws snapping out. I crouched 

"Tami" It spoke. I stood and moved closer, my claws stayed out. When the light of the fire caught his features I let out a small sigh of relief. I threw my arms around him and he stood rock solid for a while. Then i felt his body relax and he placed his arms around me. I had never been so happy to see someone before. Though this display of supposed affection was bizarre. I pulled away and stood further from him then I wanted to. He whistled softly and two other shapes stood out of the bushes. Raffy and Rasha. I nodded towards them, who seemed very happy to see me. 

They turned to my companions. Sadia was regarded warily, and she returned the look. She had her knife close by, and her eyes were alert. When their eyes fell on Tamu, they were filled with shock. It appears the news of Tamu's death had reached them. Tamu gave a tentative smile, and Raffy returned it quickly. Rasha came to sit by the fire, surprisingly next to Sadia. She smiled softly at Sadia, and then stared into the fire. I followed her and sat next to her. Ribo sat next to me, Raffy next to Ribo and Tamu. 

I filled them in on what had happened, how I had met Sadia and what Tamu had told me. They listened closely, not asking questions. When I had finished Ribo asked,

"What is the plan of action?" I stared down at the fire, wishing an answer lay in the flames. I shook my head. Ribo nodded.

"I think it is best that we get some rest" I announced noticing how tired they all were. I motioned to the cave which was big enough for us all to shelter under. I led the way in and lay down against the cool rock. Ribo lay next to me, close. I heard the others enter and then finally Sadia who said she will watch tonight. I stared at the rock, and brushed my fingers across the grooves. I fell asleep worrying.


I awoke, my eyes blind in the dark of the cave. I looked down to the mouth and saw light. And movement. Someone was outside. I moved to crawl through the cave, waking people up as I went. When I finally reached the mouth of the cave, my mouth opened. Tamu and Sadia were fighting. I watched as Tamu ducked narrowly escaping the blade of Sadia's knife. Sadia's mouth was curled into a snarl, and she looked feline as she pounced. I pulled myself up and yelled at them to stop. They paused, and glared at me. 

"What is the meaning of this?" I waited, my eyes hard and my face set into a frown. Sadia looked at me, through Tamu never left her peripheral vision. Her body stayed crouched and ready.

"He is a traitor" She hissed at Tamu. He flinched at her words, and when I looked into his eyes, he turned away. 

"Tamu? Is this true?" I asked shocked. Tamu stood up slowly and moved away from the fire. He nodded slowly, and kept moving backwards. He turned to face me, and this time, smiled. He grinned at me, and the others as they slowly made their way out of the cave. 

"I have betrayed you" He loudly announced. "And now, you will all die at the hands of Embri" He laughed as he turned and ran down the mountain. We all stood still as we watched a large cart appear and stop. Tamu jumped into it, and laughed at us. His grin wider than ever. 

We watched silently as the cart disappeared.

And I all I could think was "What are we going to do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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