Chapter 3 (Damien's POV)

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I could tell Aaliyah was going to be a hard nut to crack, but she will crack. Eventually. She's so used to being in charge that she can't fathom somebody dictating her day, which is most likely why her marriage failed. Granted no I don't know her on a personal level but I've watched her enough to know she likes to be boss in every situation which isn't possible.

"This is my headquarters. And this is my office." I stated opening the mahogany doors. Aaliyah stepped inside and I followed. She looked around and nodded her head.

"I can't say we will be here a lot because most day we will be out expanding our sources and cutting some as well." I explained.

"I know how the game goes, Damien. I was in it for 9 years." She turned to me with a blank expression on her face.

"Sweetheart, you have no clue what you're in for. I'm aware of how you did business and how you assassinated your victims. You always did a clear shot to the head, you never tortured your victims."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"That's all about to change, love." I smirked and walked around her. I sat in my office chair and watched her. As she stared at me with those tigress colored eyes of hers, she was assessing what I had said and what she could do to put her in charge of the situation. I knew this woman like the back of my hand, I knew her eye twitched when someone said something ignorant, I knew she loved Native American foods, I knew the Corvette she drove was her assassination car, I knew her Aston was her everyday car along with the 4 runner, I knew she still advised the Cartel she used to run, I noticed how she would flare her nostrils when she got angry and how her jaw would clench, I knew her trigger finger would twitch when she was itching to kill, I knew she enjoyed killing too but she'd never admit it.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and sat on the couch across from my desk. She work a dark blue pantsuit with light blue red bottoms, he hair was in a slick Chignon bun, she wore minimal jewelry other than the wedding ban on her left ring finger, her black glock 47 was secured in the holster around her waist. She looked gorgeous and dangerous. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to get my arising bulge to go back down.

"Your first kill is Simon Normandy, he's a first class terrorist, extremist, Neo-Nazi, and Racist. He is also one of the top sellers in the Bronx, NY. He is always heavily guarded and very alert. Be careful." I handed her a sheet of paper with everything she needed to know about him, his usual whereabouts, his family, the organization he ran, etc.

"I don't need this." She slid the paper back over to me and I sighed.

"And why not?"

"You just tell me who to kill and when you want it done, I do everything else. I always do my own research on my victims." She stood and made her way to the door.

"And where are you going?"

"To start my rounds." She said simply and walked out the door.

I rubbed my temples. Then a knock came on the door.


The door opened and my assistant walked in.

"You have a call on line 1 Mr.Arden." 

I nodded my head. I picked up my office phone and pressed 1.

"This is Damien Arden of Arden Incorporations, What can I do for you?"

"Well Son don't you sound so very sophisticated and professional."

"Hey, pops. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to stop by the house this afternoon, I have something to discuss with you."

"Alright, I'll be there around 6." I hung up. And stood from my desk so that I could go track down Aaliyah.  When I walked out of my office into the sitting area, I saw Aaliyah standing over one of my woman workers. She had shot her in the leg and was pointing the gun at the girls head. I rushed over to them and pulled Aaliyah back then snatched the gun from her.

"What the fuck?!"

"Why didn't you tell me she worked for you?" She asked as she rolled her shoulders back trying to calm herself down.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"She worked for Cane when we were younger, when he handed over the cartel she shot me in my back because she was jealous." She spat.

"I didn't know."

"You didn't know! You've been watching me for years and you didn't know?! You know every other enemy of mine but you didn't know her?!"

"No, I didn't." I stated calmly.

"I won't work with you until she's gone." She stated and walked out.

The tension in everybody's shoulders eased. I could tell my workers were startled, maybe even frightened from Aaliyah's presence, but just like I had heard about her, they had too. Aaliyah was the woman people told horror stories about. How she could kill some of the big name drug dealers with one bullet and then disappearing.

"You're fired." I looked down at the woman as her terrified facial expression turned to furry.


"Get her out of here." I straightened my suit jacket and walked out.

Aaliyah was standing by the passengers side door of my Bentley staring at me.

"I'm not going to play games with you Damien and I expect you not to play games with me."

"I didn't know, Aaliyah. I wouldn't put you in danger, not on purpose. I promise." I grabbed her hand and tugged her toward me. She flinched back slightly, staring at our intertwined fingers. I let go quickly because I knew that was a bold move and our relationship or friendship isn't even close to being at that particular level, but I needed her to trust me. We can't work together with out trust, that I know.

"Aaliyah, I promise you can trust me."

"I'll be the judge of that." She opened the car door and slid into the passengers seat then slammed the door back shut.

I sighed and walked over to the drivers side getting in. I put the key in the ignition and drove towards my dads place.

"Where are we going?"

"To my fathers place."


"Because he asked me to come over. We'll go pick up the children afterwards."

She didn't say much else for the rest of the ride, she remained silent.

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