Chapter 1

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Sapphires POV
People say I have the perfect life, and I agree with them but behind the makeup they can't see the bruises or scars, and they never will.

Brinnnnnnnnng!!! My phone went off reaching over and glancing at the bright name of the caller I swiped the accept button and held my phone away from my ear.

"HEYYYYY!!" Caleb practically broke my ear drum,
I've known Caleb since 1st grade and we have been friends ever since, along with Charlotte aka char she only lets us call her that anyway she's my other bestie, we met in 5th grade, and were seniors now, the best thing is they know everything about me and I mean everything we're all practically one person which is why I know everything about them.

"Hi Caleb" I replied
"Hey do you want to grab a bite with me and Char "
" Um yeah why not, are we all gonna go to Starbucks ?" I only agreed cause I need to be gone before he wakes up fully and because it's school break.

"Yes. Do you want me to pick you up Chars already with me?"

" Ugh yes please"

"Ok but I can't drop you off home."

Oh yeah he's going away and Chars going to her grans in England.

"almost forgot you guys are ditching me, don't worry I'll walk or catch a bus." I said in a sarcastic tone

"Come on Saph don't make me feel guilty leaving you here with him I offered you to come?"

"I know Caleb but he'd never let me go and I don't really want to spend my summer watching you and Luke kiss?" Luke is Caleb's adorable boyfriend they've been dating for a month now and he doesn't look like he's ever been happier, as you can tell by now Caleb is gay.

" I've got to go, pick you up in 30?"
" You know it."
"Bye bubs "
"Ok bye hun " I replied

Ok what to wear , I quickly jumped in the shower , not literally cause we don't need another bruise, after the whole process you know washing my hair all that good stuff. I put on some high waisted blue denim jeans, a black loose flowing long sleeve shirt and some white converse. I did a French braid and put on make up ..... a lot of concealer not to mention foundation used to cover the scars and bruises, I I did a once over in the mirror I grabbed my purse and walked quietly down the hall.

I listened and all I heard were loud, obnoxious snores coming from the last door in the hall.....good! I hurried to the kitchen and made egg, bacon, sausage, grit and 2 pancakes it honestly didn't take long. After setting the table I pulled out the chair and put my blue and white stripped bag back over my shoulders and slipped my phone in my pocket. I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs and soon enough there he was, he  moved towards the table and glared at me.

"well!" He grumbled

the corners of my mouth moved into a frown and I quickly paced over to him,

"sorry" I stated and pushed his chair in "

"YOU UNGRATEFUL SH*T, YOU CANT EVEN GET ME A DRINK! "  he scolded getting up he added

"I have lost my appetite  due to your stupidity!" and with that he stood up and slapped me across the face "why cant you do anything good in your life, I hate you , your the reason all of it , its YOUR damn fault!" . "please stop." I cried .

after his rant he kneed me in the stomach forcing me to lean forward towards him until I was coughing so much I felt hot thick liquid oozing out my nose and mouth with one more blow to the face he walked off back to his room I'm  guessing I couldn't really see due to my face being so swollen he barely ever hits my face only on parts of my body where I could hide it , but lately he has been less careful, and I know what your thinking 'just go to the police.' well what's the point I've saved enough money to move out I'm just waiting till graduation when I turn eighteen.

A knock startled me and I moved to the front door where I saw Caleb opening the door he looked at me, his eyes held fear, shock, sadness but mainly anger

he moved closer to me and wrapped me in his arms , I slowly entangled my arms around his torso trying to not cause and more pain than necessary. I tried to talk but all I could do was cry.

"Its going to get better baby g, I promise I'll move us away and we can live together." he all but asked ,

Around 2 minutes later after covering the fresh cuts and bruises we still decided to go , just to get away from him, I shut the front door , getting in I greeted char.

"what took so lon-?" she looked at me and gasped " I'm going to kill that son of a bi.!"

she was cut off by caleb

"lets just get out of here, yeah?" me and char nodded in sync

--------------------------------------------AT STARBUCKS-----------------------------------------

After the car ride which basically consisted of belting out a bunch of Melanie Martinez, Taylor swift, and like ever other song on the radio we finally reached Starbucks. As I got out the car I felt a small weight being lifted then a smashing sound looking around to see what it was Char and Caleb looked at me with a distraught face, chars head was dropped down as was Caleb and they were just staring at the ground, I followed their gaze, slowly bending my neck I looked at the ground and there it was....................

A small rose gold IPhone. Correction my rose gold Iphone was laying on the gravel from the parking lot, the glass smashed into a million pieces, quickly bending over avoiding the sharp dislodged glass, I grabbed my phone instantly clicking the on/off button...

.....nothing. my facial expression must have dropped because Caleb pulled me into a tight hug while Char removed James from my hands* yes I named my phone James*

"beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!! " was the only noise heard besides all the noises from the few cars that went past or the trollies that scraped against the pavement. I shot a glare at Char of course she had to make things dramatic " ON THIS DAY JAMES THE PHONE WILL BE SET TO REST, WE HONOUR THIS SAD MOMENT IN THE MERMORY OF SAPPHIRES ONE TRUE LOVE !" she yelled so loud Korea probably heard it, one things for sure everyone around us did, as they were staring confused at the whole scene before them.

" WELL CONTINUE TO DO YOUR SHOPPING PEOPLE, I AM TRYING TO MOURN THE LOSS OF A IMPORTANT TRAIT TO MY LIFE!" I hastily yelled at the staring shoppers , and at they instantly continued with there own business.

We all giggled to ourselves as we walked into Starbucks

" Its sad though, you know I spent 11 months working 3 jobs 4 days a week , along with school and being his servant to get that phone!" I all but yelled , and I know what your thinking just buy a new one , your rich enough well news flash I'm not he spends most of my money on his alcohol and I'm pretty sure he does multiple drugs too ,he doesn't work either  only leaving 50 a week for food which is why I secretly had 2 other jobs.

As we walked into Starbucks Caleb had to go to the bathroom and he asked us to get him to get a vanilla bean frappe so Char and I went to the lady who looked about early 20's at the register,

"hi what can I get for you?" she said glumly asked while picking off the nail polish from her long nails.

'well someone doesn't like there job ' Char whispered in my ear just bas her pocket started singing 'let it go' from the movie frozen, "so are you going to get that ?"

" do you mind ?" she replied

"Nah what drink though?"

" Same as Caleb but with extra cream " she said as she walked outside with her phone pressed against her ear.

after ordering our drinks the lady whos name was Bianca, from her name tag handed me our 3 drinks , and that's when I saw it my biggest fear...

sitting across the room was none other than .


Whey so imma make this short , how was chapter 1

so I have some questions

1~ whats your age

2~whats your country

~ who do u think she saw

k bye luv ya


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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