The Case (charter 5)

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*Your POV*
   "Come on Bobby!" I yelled running outside. "No Y/N its to dangerous!" Bobby yelled back. "Ugh fine" I said walking back into the house. "Hey" I heard Sam voice. "Hi" I said as I looked up at him. It was silent so I started to think about how Sam finally said he liked me. When he learned into kiss me that same day. ~God I'd love to kiss him again~

   "Y/N" I heard Sam's voice again. "Yes?" I asked looking at him. He sat on the chair in front of me. I looked into his eyes and he did the same. "Kiss me" was all I can say. Sam lean in a pressed his lips to mine. I quickly wrapped my arms around his Neal. His arms were around my waist, the kiss got heated real quick. It almost went a little farther if Dean didnt yell "let's go Sammy" I kissed him good-bye one last time.

    Sam walked out the door. I felt a paper in my hand. I looked at it, it had Sam's writing on it. ~Y/N I know you wanna go so here's where we are going. New Mexico, Los Lunas. Please dont tell Bobby or Dean.~ I packed a bag got in my 1967 carmaro and drove fast. It was probably a 4-5 hour drive. I was going fast when I got hungry I stop to eat. I was in Texas when Sam text me ~Hey you almost her?~ I simply said yes.

*Sam's POV*
   Y/N was coming to New Mexico. Bobby and Dean went to go and investigate the murders that have been happing. I was researching when someone knocked on my door. I went to mg bed a got my gun. I put it up against the door and answered it. It was Y/N I sighed and put my gun always. "Y/N" was all I could say I hugged her. "Hey" she said with a smile  then kissed me. I moved away from the door to let her in. Once she was inside I sat on the and she sat on my lap.

  "God your so beautiful" I said kissing her meal. I hear her moan then the door opened. Bobby and Dean walked in looking pissed. "What are you doing here Y/N?" Bobby ask "I followed you guys, please let me help I'll do research please Bobby." Y/N begged. "Ok fine but Dean your helping Y/N research and Sam your going to be investigate with me. Let's go!" Bobby yell the last part.

   "So what do you think it is?" I asked Bobby. " the looks of it a vamp."Bobby said looking at the Corpse. "Bobby why couldn't I help Y/N research?" I asked when we got in the car. "Cause nothing would've gotta done." Bobby simply said. I started the engine and started to drive. We got back to the motel and walked in. "Anything?" Y/N and Dean both asked. "Yeah it looks like vamps" Bobby said "you guys got anything?" I ask. "Yep its vamps!" Dean kinda yelled. "Well where are they?" Bobby asked. "They are at the..."

A/n: sorry it took so long to update but I hoped you enjoyed this charter and there well be another one coming soon...

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