Cass can we talk (charter 11)

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*Your POV*
      I walked into my new room and I put my things down. I sat on my bed, I look around the. ~Cass can we talk please. Your right I put Sam and Dean in danger. Cass I can really use your help please.~ I prayed to Cass. "Y/N?" I heard a deep voice say. I look up and its Cass. "Hi"  I said. "I didn't think you'd come." I said "and why's that?" He ask like he really didn't know the reason. "Cause you hate me" I slimpy  said. "True but I need more friends." He said it like he was ashamed of it.

   "Oh..well..thanks?" I questioned myself. "Your very welcome" he said like a smart ass. I look at Cass and I told him everything that happened. He look at me then at the floor. "So you almost killed Dean and Sam!" He shout like he was going to kill me. "Yeah" was all I could say. Cass look at me then pulled out the angle blade. "I should've killed you that night but I didn't" he said.

   "I've had a thousand chances to kill you but I didn't. But I'm not making that same mistake again." He said walking over to me. "Cass please I know I'm not human but neither are you" I said trying to change his mind. "No your right but at least they know about me." he said hatefully. "Cass I'm going to leave them" I said with tears in my eyes. Cass put his blade away and sat next to me. "You can't leave them. They need you Y/N" he said as he put his hand on mine.

*Cass POV*
       I wanted to kill her right there but Sam loves her. I put  my blade away and sat next to her. I put my hand on hers. We've been fighting for centuries, since we've been alive. I honesty  want to be friends with her. "Y/N" I said "yes Cass" she answered. "Can we become friends?" I ask as I look at her. "I would love that Cass" she said with a smile. "I'm tried Cass of running from you." She said as she look at her feet. "So am I. I've never seen Sam this happy." I said with a smile that made her smile.

   I've learn so many thing about Y/N. We've been laughing and talking it great. Y/N is a great person. I don't understand why we hated each other. Her smile is amazing. I'm happy we're friends now. I just hope she tells Sam and Dean. Cause I dont want to tell them. "Y/N?" I ask "yes" she said. "Are you going to ever tell them?" I ask and her smile fade away.

    "I want to but I'm scared. What if they try to kill me?" she said in fear. "I dont know but I'll be there for you. I promise you that." I said holding her hand, she smile then kissed my cheek. "Hey I'm going to sleep so you can stay or go, its all up to you" she said as she lay down. As soon as she fall asleep I kissed her head and sat next to her. 

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