kiddnapped by ??? (charter 13)

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*your POV*
    "Ow, what the fuck happened?" I ask myself as I put my hand on my head. I looked around the room I was in, but I couldn't see much it was dark. "Oh good you awake." I heard a voice. "Who are you? And where's my boyfriend!?" I yelled not knowing  where to look. "Hmm...your the one "kiddnapped" and your worried about him." He said with a questioning voice. "Yes, now where is Sam!" I yelled once again. "Ugh..your no fun,but he still back in that room" the guy said. "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask.

     It was quiet for a while but he spoke. *I'm the winter soldier." He said "Umm..thats not a name" I said with confusion in my voice.  "Well that's the only name they give me" he said. I groaned as I tried to sit up. "Why is it so dark in here?" I ask "Cause they don't want you to see us or anything." He simply said. "So if I escape i cant describe anything?" I asked "Yeah, pretty much." he said.

      I sat there playing with the hem of my shirt. "So..they just gave you a name?" I asked "yeah" was all he said. "Well do you remember anything from your past?" I ask "No,and I don't know why." he said with a sigh. "Oh I'm sorry." I said with a sadness in my voice. "It's fine I guess." he simply said. "So do I call you winter solider or can I give you a name?" I ask "Umm...give me a name I guess." He said "Okay..what about James?" I ask "Yeah I like James." he said with a smile. 

*Sam's POV*                                                                      I felt someone slap me,  I sat up as quick as I could but I layed back down. I groaned and rubbed my head. I looked around and saw Dean sitting on the bed next to me. "Dean did you just slap me?"  I ask as I rubbed my check. "Yeah, you were out cold." he said "oh" was all I could say. "So where's Y/N?" he ask then I remember everything.  My eyes widen, Dean looked  at me waiting for my answer. "She was kidnapped." I said getting up.

    "What, what do you mean kidnapped?" Dean asked on sure of what happened. "We were making out and we almost had sex but some guy." I stop to take a breath before I continue. "Some guy with a metal arm knock her out then me when I tried to fight back." I said as my voice cracked. "Dam Sammy" was all Dean could say. "Yeah I know, I wish I could've protected her." I said with hurt in my voice.

     I look down at the floor thinking of ways I could save her. "Hey let's go eat and think of places he would've taken her." Dean said. "Yeah okay." I said sadly. We got into baby and Dean tuned on the radio and AC DC came on. I rolled my eyes as Dean started to sing. God he needs to get some singing lessons. I laughed at the thought of Dean getting lessons.

A/n: hey guys sorry its so
   Late..but I've been thinking about ending this story and starting a new one..but if you want me to continue this just let me know...thanks for reading😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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