Chapter Twelve:

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"Kennedy" I gasped in shock when Kenneth called me. I look around and saw him standing in front of his car. I lock the door of my house and walk towards him. He's not the same guy when we first met he's being friendly to me and I don't know why but we just got along, at the start I don't trust him but when that crazy Tina bitch attacked me last month, we got along sooner.

"Hey, why are you here?" I said at him and smile. I'm comfortable around him though.

"Nothing, just passing by," He said and I nodded at him "I'm hungry maybe we should eat. Are you in?" He said and hand me his hand like asking me to dance.

"Let's go" I giggle and grab his hand. He opens the door to his car like a true gentleman.

"My lady?" He said. I laughed and get inside the car.

He closed the door and ran his way to the driver seat.

"After this where are you going?" He asked me and look at me in the mirror.

"Probably at Xavier's. You know how he gets angry if I'm not there at the right time" I said shrugging looking at the window.

"Then why are still working for him? I mean he treats you like trash so why are you still working for him then? Why work for him If you have me?" He offered.

"I can't. I'm just waiting for Tony to finish her chemotherapy and pay my debt so I can leave this kind of work" I said shrugging.

He nods as he understands me "You know if you needed help I'm always here for you. You're like a sister to me" He said and I smile at him politely I don't want to open my mouth.

We arrived at the Mads Cafe. He knows I love eating here especially their batchoy here. It's Filipino noodles. The owner here is my friend, her name is Mads and she's a Filipino.

We ordered batchoy and we waited for Mads to bring our order, the day Julio and I ate here Mads fired the girl Julio bangs at the storage room.

"So..." Kenneth started "How's your sister?"

"Maria said she's improving. She's now stronger than last time I visited her" I said placing my arms at the table.

"That's good," He said and Madge arrived with our orders.

She places our orders at the table.

"Is this all?" She said with her bright smile.

"Yes, Madge. Thank you" I said and she walks away. I kinda find her weird sometimes.

"Oh," Kenneth said and snap his fingers. I raised my eyebrows at him. He grabs something from his pocket and handed it to me "My dad is having a mascaraed party this Friday. Maybe you can come?" He said and I grab the invitation and read it.

You're invited to our Grand Mascaraed Ball this Friday (Jan. 13)

-Mr. King

I closed it and smile at him.

"I like the invitation. It's simple" I said and he took a sip of his ice tea.

"Yeah. That's what I thought too I don't blame dad he doesn't like parties" He said shrugging.

"He doesn't like parties? Then why he decided to throw a mascaraed ball then?" I ask curiously.

"That's for you to know at the party," He said and I pout.

"Well okay. I don't know if I can come. I have work"

"I'm sure Xavier will allow you to come"

"Let's just hope he will," I said and my phone rings.

Xavier's name popped and I muttered 'excuse me' to Kenneth before I answer my phone.

"He--" I was cut off by Xavier's yelling voice.

"Where are you? You're late" He yelled at the phone. I put the phone away from my ears before my eardrums explode.

"Hello to you too and I am having breakfast with Kenneth I'll be there for five minutes"

"I know," He said and hang up.

I roll my eyes and face Kenneth. I inhale deeply and smile at him.

"Well I should go now," I said and I grabbed my bag and walk out of this café.

"Wait" Kenneth yelled and I look back at him "I'll go with you"

"No, it's fine. I'll just go and stop a taxi outside" I said and he shook his head.

"No, I won't allow that," He said "Let's go. You don't want to be late and make your boss angry" He said. I smile and follow him back to his car.

Our way to Xavier's house is silent. He didn't bother making conversation with me, I was thinking maybe Xavier is going to yell at me again. Yes, again he yells at me and calls me names every time I did something wrong or I'm late and me being a good employee I always shrugged everything he says about me. He is still my boss.

Kenneth stopped the car and I look around. We arrived at Xavier's he opens the door for me.

"Thank you, Kenneth. I should get inside now" I said and pointed my two thumbs at the door.

"It's nothing, call me if you needed something," He said and drove away.

When I step inside I saw Julio, Marco, Killian, Damien, and Zee standing their arms crossed and they didn't look so happy.

"Hey guys" I greeted them happily. I waved my hands and took a step towards them and I noticed that the four guys have a black eye and... also Zee. Zee's black eye is a make-up.

"What happened to you?" I said and they glared at me so as Zee.

"We got into a fight"

"Xavier punched them" The four guys and Zee said at the same time.

They glared at Zee. "I thought we agreed not to tell," Julio said.

"I'm eight. I can't lie" Zee said shrugging.


"You can't?" Marco and Killian said sarcastically. I swear these two look like a twin.

"Zee pooped in his pants when he saw a dog" Damien stated and Zee glared at him.

"I thought you agree not to tell?" Zee said.

"I'm Twenty-Seven. I can't lie" He said shrugging.

Before I could open my mouth, we hear a loud crash coming from Xavier's room. The guy's eyes widen and they began running outside. Julio carries Zee on his shoulder and Zee laughs.

"Good Luck with Xavier, Kennedy" Zee shouted, waving his hands to me.

My body is shaking. What happened to this house? Why Xavier angry? So many questions running through my head and there's no answer.

Every step I take I feel like I'm going to faint anytime now.

When I'm a few steps away from Xavier's room I heard crashing. I'm doubting if I should knock or I should walk away.

I never see Xavier this angry before. Almost one year working with him never witnessed him this angry maybe his heartbroken, or maybe because of his work or maybe just maybe he knocked up some slut and he was going to be a father. That's a question he should answer.

I open the door slowly and I saw his room is a mess.

"Uh... Uh... Xa-Xavier?" I said opening his door wide.

Next thing I knew he is now pinning me to the wall.


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~ Shakespeare

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