Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I didn't look at Xavier or talk to him after his stunt with those paparazzi, I don't know what's going on with his head when he said that in front of the paparazzi. I'm sure that within tomorrow they're going to talk about it.

I don't like attention especially the media.

When we arrive, I carry Kenvier to our room ignoring Xavier when he tried to talk to me, I was angry at him because he lies in front of the press and told them I'm his fiancé. He caught me off guard saying those things to them.

I placed Kenvier in the bed and change her clothes without waking her up.

I stayed with her for one hour until Julio knocked on the door saying my dad and brothers are waiting for me downstairs.

I told him that I'll change my clothes first and I'll be down there for ten minutes.

When I'm done, I make sure Kenvier is still sleeping before I run downstairs.

When I entered the living room, they became quiet and they looked at me.

"What?" I ask. They didn't answer me so I walk my way to the sofa and sat beside Theo. I feel Xavier glaring at us but we ignored it.

"So," Kris started, my dad "We heard you and Mr. Grey here is engaged" He continued, I gave him a 'What the fuck look" then I remember what Xavier said to the press.

"Where did you hear that? And where's Keith and Kevin?" I asked him raising my eyebrow at him.

"They're doing something in their laboratory, remember Keith is a doctor too and Kevin is a scientist," Knox said and I nod at him.

Then, the guys starting giving me their phone, iPad, newspaper, and Tony turn on the television.

It all says that "The Doctor Kennedy King and The Handsome Billionaire Xavier Grey are engaged?" I took a deep breath, how did they fucking know my name and that I'm a doctor.

"Ohmygod, how did they know my name? Who told them?" I ask irritated.

"Look at this" Kalvin handed me his phone, I saw a video and they're interviewing Director Fray.

"Typical fray, she likes attention and she's giving them information about me, she's a bitch" I hissed.

"You're famous now, sis. You're everywhere" Tony said laughing.

"I think I like better if they write there "Kennedy King is engaged to a handsome Doctor Theo Valdez" Theo joked causing Xavier to jump to him but my brothers instantly stopped him.

Theo burst into laughter, his hands are I'm his stomach while laughing.

We look at him like he was gone mad, then. He stopped.

"That's a good one," He said and tried to high five me, I just look at him like he was crazy.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing, I'm just looking at you and wondering why I dated you" I joked, and everyone laugh.

"But you love me" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, right" I snorted "You're like another Marco Gilbert," I said glancing at Marco.

"I heard that, I'm not that bad" He protested.

"Whatever, so why are we all here again?" I ask them.

"We're here because of the media is giving you and Xavier attentions," My father said.

"But I don't like the attention" I pause "I've been a doctor for so many years and if they want to interview me for their magazine I always refused them. This is giving me a headache" I said rubbing my temple.

"Let us handle it," Kenneth said.

"Let me and Xavier talk about this for a minute, I'll just want to asks him why he said that, I wish he had a reason" I stood up and gestured for Xavier to follow me.

We walk upstairs to his room so that they'll never be heard what we're going to talk about. This is some kind of bullshit! to talk about and I want privacy.

We enter his room and he closed the door. I faced him with my arms crossed.

"So, what is that all about?"

"What about?" He asks innocently and I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you told the paparazzi that I'm your fiancé? Do you know what you said can ruin my career?" I said angrily, I can't let that out in front of everyone.

"Ruin your career? That'll make your job easy since you engaged to me and I told them that because they're insulting you. Do you prefer them to say that you're my fuck buddy? That you're a slut? I just saved your dignity and you're here yelling at me for doing that. You wound me" He protested putting his palm in his heart.

I don't know if I should believe him or not. What he said is true, if he didn't do that I'll be a slut in front of everyone, we all know that I have a good reputation inside and outside of the hospital.

"You saved me from ruining my reputation but you just gave me another problem" paused, He raised one eyebrow at me.

"What problem?" He asks.

"Your stalkers, every girl that loves you will hate me and make my life a living hell. Tina is enough, that bitch tried to kill me once why don't add a thousand more, right?" I mocked the last part of my sentence.

"Tina tried to kill you?" He said possessively "When did that happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Yes, she tried to kill me luckily Kenneth is there to save my ass from her, it happened three or two months ago. I don't remember and I didn't tell you because you're busy yelling at me and boss me around. Remember?" I mocked rolling my eyes at him.

He looked at me for a minute, he reached my hand and intertwined our fingers. Pulling me against his chest.

"I'm sorry for what I did before. Forgive me" He said kissing my head.

We are hugging.

I can't believe we're hugging

And I feel safe with him.

I hugged him back, closing my eyes to feel him. I heard his heartbeat and it's beating so fast.

Dug dug

Dug dug

Dug dug

That's all I hear.


I heard gunshots.

The door burst open, revealing the face of my brother Kalvin holding a gun and Kenvier.

"We need to go, Now"


Hello, angels! How's this chapter? Do you Like it?

I'm going to asks you. Whose brother of Kennedy wants you to spend more time with her?

Kalvin (Channing Tatum) : The eldest of the King siblings. 34-year-old, the heir of King business corp. Have a wife and two kids (I'll mention it soon)

Kevin (Jamie Dornan) : The second eldest. 31-year-old, a scientist just like his mom. Have a fiancé and she's in the Philippines.

Keith (Ian Somerhalder) : Third child. 29-year-old, A doctor and have a longtime girlfriend.

Kenneth (Matthew Daddario) : Fourth child. 28-year-old, A gang leader doing the dirty business for his father. Single.

Knoxander (Zayn Malik) : The youngest of the King's siblings. 26-year-old, The heir of King Tech. Single.

Feel free to choose who you want to spend more time with Kennedy.

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