Chapter Thirty-Three

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Shiela Sanchez called me yesterday and she says she needs me because her fiance is having a headache when there's a picture showing to his head. I wished her fiance will be okay.

Two days ago she and Director asks me to help her fiance. She hasn't mentioned her fiance's name and it becomes a mystery for me.

I told her I'll be spending time with my daughter Kenvier and my family, but she told me that if I'm done spending time with them. I could just at least visit her fiance.

My dad set us a family dinner and all of us including the four guys are coming.

Yassi can't, she's in the Philippines with her friends for a week vacation. Tony isn't here as well she's doing her chemotherapy in Australia with Theo.

When we arrive at my Father's house.

Kalvin's Children approached Kenvier and drag her to one of the rooms to play.

"Kid" Dad said, hugging me and kissed my forehead. I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me.

"Seriously? I'm 24" I protested.

"You're still my kid, kid"

"That rhymed" Marco butt in.

"It doesn't rhyme idiot. He uses the same word and he says it two times" Killian explained to him.

"Really," Marco asks in shock. We all laugh at his stupidity. I don't know why Xavier allow him to work that idiot with him.

Mentioning his name is making me want to cry.

When I entered the living room I saw Kalvin and his wife making out.

I cleared my throat and try stopped.

"Didn't you see we're busy here?" His wife said. Kalvin mentions that she's pregnant and I understand why she's horny and angry at me.

"Didn't you see there's a kid in front of you?" I said pointing at See beside me.

"Who are you anyway? I thought this is a family dinner" She shouted at me. I ignored her, I came here to have some fun with my family not to pick a fight with a pregnant lady.

"Do you want to play with Kenny?" I kneeled in front of Zee and I asks him. He nods at me immediately.

"Hey, I'm talking to you" I keep ignoring her, I grab Zee's hand to walk upstairs but Kalvin's wife grabbed my hand.

"I suggest you let go of me" I warned, taking a deep breath.

"Stop it, Amelia, She's my sister" Kalvin stops her. Finally, brother, she's starting to irritate me.

"She's your sister?" She looked at me in disgust "How sure are you that she's your sister? I bet she's just pretending to your sister just to get access to your money" She said looking at me up and down.

Before I could attack her Knox and Kenneth stopped me by holding my body.

"Let go of me," I said with gritted teeth. Moving my body from their hold.

"You seriously want to fight a pregnant lady?" Knox asks.

"But she started it"

"Calm down K, you're better than this" Kenneth said trying to calm me down but I ignored him and tried to attack her again.

"What happened here?" Dad said as he enters the living room.

"Amelia said something to Kennedy that makes her want to attack her" Kalvin explained.

"Get your wife out of here, Kalv" Dad demands and Kalvin nod at him.

"That's bitch" Knox muttered. Then he and Kenneth let go of me.

When they let go of me I punched them in the face.

"Sorry, I need to let it out," I said innocently smiling at them.

"Dad" Knox yelled like a five year old "Kennedy punched us in the face," He tells dad.

"I think you dislocate my jaw" Kenneth joked.

"Great hook, Kid," Dad said and high five me.

"Let's finish this dinner so I can go"


The dinner finished early, I ask Julio to bring the kids to the house because I have something important to do and Damien wants to come with me for protection he said.

We knocked at Shiela's house and we heard her yelled "Coming"

She opens the door for us and let us in. There are so many boxes every I think she's unpacking their things. She mentions yesterday that they just moved here.

"Sorry about the mess," She said fixing the sofa.

"No worries," Damien said.

"So, where's your fiance?" I ask her, examining her house. It's simple yet beautiful.

"He's in our room. Let me get him" She said and walk her way to one of the rooms.

"Isn't it illegal accepting a house call?" Damien whispered to my ear.

"No, if your director insists to accept this job" I explained.

Five minutes later. Shiela walks out of the room with her fiance.

My eyes widen in shock. I thought he was dead from the explosion just like the others two months ago.

Why he's here with Shiela Sanchez?

"You're alive"

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