Chapter 4

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On Friday night, the doorbell rang at seven and Meredith's panic officially set in. Nate had given her no other information about dinner tonight except that she needed to dress nice.

She took one last glance in the full length mirror in her bedroom before rushing to the door. She wore a purple dress that had pink flowers adorning it. Polka dotted lace covered the entire dress and her midriff where the dress split in a way that was sweet but sultry. She paired it with her hot pink pumps and straight hair.

Her heels clacked against the floor as she rushed to get the door. Lily trailed behind her, happily prancing as she went. When she pulled open the door, Nate stood on the other side looking as handsome as ever in a simple blazer and slacks with a soft grey button up shirt. He smiled and his eyes grazed her body, looking at her outfit.

"You look beautiful, Meredith." He hesitated over saying it, but he meant it. She looked absolutely breathtaking. The blush in her cheeks deepened when he spoke and it only added to her radiance.

"Thank you. You look handsome as well."

"Are you ready to go?" He looked down at Lily who was staring at him expectantly.

"Yeah, let me grab something. I'll be back in a second." She walked away from the door and a few seconds later there was a sound of metal against the countertops. The clicks of her heels announced her coming back. "I had to grab my purse."

She pulled the door shut behind her and followed him to his car. He opened the door for then swaggered to the driver's side.

"Where are we headed?" She glanced out the windows as he pulled away from the curb.

"A restaurant."

That wasn't helpful at all. "Okay. Anything else you'd like to tell me about it?"

"I enjoy eating there."

He was being coy. "You aren't giving up much about the place. Why?"

He glanced over at her. "I like some mystery," he said as his eyes flickered to her collarbone.

She was completely covered but the look in his eyes made her shiver. Before any more questions could be asked, he pulled up to a valet in front of a set of elegant glass doors. A valet boy came running up and took the keys and name from Nate before driving the car away.

Nate offered Meredith his hand, but she wasn't looking. She looked up at the glowing sign proclaiming the restaurant's name, The Blue Room. Even the sign shined a vibrant hue of blue. She followed him in a daze, taking in all the sights and intoxicating aromas of fine dining.

Somehow on the walk inside, Nate's hand found Meredith's. He had a reservation and a minute later each were being poured a glass of wine.

Inside the restaurant was relatively dim and the brightest sort of light was the candle flickering in the center of the table. The light made Meredith's skin even more attractive.

"Wow. This place is elegant."

"Yes, it is." He glanced around. He was indifferent to the amount of elite individuals in the room.

More than ever, Meredith felt out of her zone. The fanciest place she had ever been to was a restaurant in Oklahoma City that spun so you could see the entire skyline. This restaurant even beat that by a long shot. Just one glance at the price for a soda made her eyes bulge. They even had sparkling water. Whatever that was.

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