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She is growing restless. She wants to see the world outside through her own two eyes, in all its splendour. But I cannot let her. When she sees the perfection that lies outside, she'll cease to admire my bleak replica of it. Once she glimpses the world as it really is, she'll leave, abandon this castle, find a dashing knight, and be happy, leaving me to rot in this prison. She is the only one who appreciates me, the only one who ever will. I can't let her leave me in this bleak dungeon. I must fill her head with lies, convince her that here is the only place she I useful. She is my Lady of Shalott and I refuse to let her leave, refuse to let her care for anything other than me. Whenever I sense her growing wistful, rebellious, yearning, I must remind her. "Ugly," I hiss, "Sinful. Worthless. Stupid." She flinches at each word; each word is a dagger wound inflicted on her heart. As she bows her head, I find myself filled with satisfaction. Now she'll never leave. Wait what? Suddenly, she rises her head, hr cheeks pink in a way they never have. She smiles in a way she seldom does. And her eyes fill with a courage I have never allowed her to feel. I glance outside at him. The man who changed everything. As I look, so does she. In one look, she brings everything I have worked on crumbling down. I desperately try to stop her, tell her that if she were to look upon him, she wold tarnish his beauty; her gaze would cause his beauty to fade, his black curls would grey, and his beautiful voice would go hoarse. I scream and holler and shriek and howl, until I crack and finally shatter. But to no avail. I have lost her. Out of the tower runs my Lady of Shallot.

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