Part 4

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 this was written by dusty!!! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT :P


We carried walking on steadily towards Blade's home. No-one was talking and there was a kind of tension in the air.

“So?” I casually asked Blade trying to break the silence. “What's your real name?”

“Blade.” Was the monotone reply.

“But that can't be your real name, can it?” I tried again.

“Okay! It's Ryan, now will you get of my case.” Blade said

threateningly. His usually kind expression was replaced with pure anger and hatred.

“Ryan...” I tried the name on my lounge. I carefully monitored Blade'sreaction. He flinched and made his hands into fists.

“Ouch!” He cried, “I think I've been stung. Pesky wasps!”

“Oh,” I said gently. So much for reading his expression.

Jack went over to have a look at Blade's arm and as he turned his back

to me I saw how the evening sun reflected off his light chestnut hair. I

saw how his broad shoulders stuck sweatily to his t-shirt. I was sure

that when he turned around I would see the outline of a six pack

sneakily hidden under his top.

Wait! What was I doing! He was a boy!

A boy!

Oh My God! I totally fancied him. I licked my lips. And he wasn't half

good looking.

“Here we are,” said Blade, interrupting my chain of thoughts. I looked

at the massive mansion that loomed in front of us. Ivy covered the walls

giving it a Gothic look. Wisteria was flowering around the large oak

doors as well as tulips scattered around it's large grounds. It felt

lived in. Alive.

Unlike my Mum. No! I mustn't think of that. I looked at Ryan expectantly.

“Home.” He said.

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