Part 6

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Sorry it took so long. Written by dusty. Hope you like it. Vote  and Comment Please :)


I looked at the boy in the doorway and back to Blade. Then back to the boy in the doorway.

“Um...Hi,” I said.

“Hi still doesn't tell me why you're standing in my house's kitchen” He retorted.

“Your house?” I blurted out in surprise.

“Yes, my house,” he stared at me coldly.

“Change that to our house.” Another boy had appeared at the door and was standing casually with his shoulder leaning on the door and his right hand emphasising the words he had just said.

“Right guys, I think we need to take a chill pill. Let me and Jack explain why Pheo's here and leave here out of it,” Blade said calmly.

I looked over at him gratefully.

“Okay then,” the second boy said. “You can explain why she's here.”

Jack and Blade both looked at each over.

“Well...” Blade started to say in a voice that made it obvious that he was trying to make an excuse.

“Um...” Jack tried to carry on Blade's unfinished sentence and failed miserably. I just decided it would be far better for me to just tell it as it was.

“They invited me, offered me a bed,” I said bluntly.

“They did?” Both boys looked surprised.

“Well that's alright then,” said the second boy. He walked over and held out his hand to shake. I took it gratefully.

“I'm Fraser,” he said smiling, “and you?”

“Pheo.” I nodded my head towards the other boy who was still standing in the doorway. “who's he then.”

“Oh, that's Brooklyn. Ignore him. He's just being moody.”

“Look boys” I said, addressing them both,” I don’t want to cause you any trouble so if you don’t want me here I will just go.”

“You do that” Said Brooklyn. “Wander back home and cry too your mummy”.



Fraser glared at him, distracting the others while I turned my back on them and wiped away a few tears but I couldn’t hold back my sobs. “Hey, Pheo. Don’t cry. What’s wrong?” Asked Jack. He came over and wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. He held me tight as I told everyone in the room all about my mum and dad and why I had runaway.

The others listened about what I had been thought. When I looked up they all had shocked expressions on their faces. Blade walked over to me, pulled me out of Jack’s arms and gave me a massive bear hug. You know, the type of one a brother would give you. Loving and worry free.

I looked Fraser; he had tears in his eyes. “Hey, Pheo. I’m so sorry!” Brooklyn said softly.

“No, it’s ok. I really shouldn’t be here. You were right. It doesn’t matter” I got up and walked to the door but some one grabbed my hand. I looked at the person’s face. It was Brooklyn.

“No, really I’m sorry. You can stay.”  He said. I looked at him, a small smile forming on my lips.

I walked back to the sofa and sat down. Suddenly the fire alarm above us went off. I walked into the kitchen coughing and saw the pan of bacon of fire.

And then…

“Oh great!” I said as the sprinkler system went off. Blade went over to the pan and put it in the sink. He turned the tap on cooling the bacon down before putting it in the bin. The fire alarm? Well it went off. The sprinklers? Well they carried on sprinkling. I Burst out laughing this was so funny.

Eventually, Fraser went over to a panel on the wall and overrode the system. I pulled my soaking wet dark hair from my face as Jack came over to me. His top was dripping with water and you could definitely see the outline of a six-pack. “ Why don’t you go to your room and dry off?” He said kindly.

“Umm, I don’t have any spare clothes.” I said embarrassed.

“Oh” He said.

“It’s ok” Said Blade. “I’m sure Emily will have some clothes that would fit you. Jack will bring them up for you.” I smiled at him gratefully.

 “Thank you.”

Jack took me to my room. I turned around at my door and winced when I realised that I had left a small trail of water on the floor.

“Don’t worry, the maid will clean it up” Jack said, noticing my worried expression.

“The maid?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah, we have about seven of them”


“Yeah. Who did you think cleaned up this place?”

I walked into my room but tripped on the carpet. I braced myself for the impact of hitting the floor, instead it never came. Arms wrapped around my waist stopping me from falling. I Looked up and saw Jack holding me. He was smiling down at me. I smiled at him as he helped me up. He told me he would be back in twenty minutes so I took a shower.

I stood under the shower letting the hot water run down my back. I thought about my mum. What was she going to say to me? What did she need to tell me? I ran her words through my head.  I turned off the shower and slipped the dressing gown in the bathroom on. Then I padded though into my room.

I switched the TV on and turned to Extreme makeover: Home edition. I loved that program! There was a nock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. There stood jack with clothes in his hand. He had changed into a pair of jeans and a blue Hollister t-shirt. “ I’ll come back in a bit” he said.

“No, it’s ok. You stay n my bedroom. I will just get changed in the bathroom” I replied.

He walked over and sat on my bed as I walked in to the bathroom. I looked at the clothes I had been given. Some under wear, a summer dress, PJs, A pair of jeans, shorts and some tops. I slipped into the PJs and walked back into my room. I put the spare clothes into the walk-in-wardrobe. Then I walked over to Jack and sat next to him.

I gulped. I was going have to tell him soon tat I loved him. I turned to face him.”Jack” I said. “I need to” I got cut off by him. He pressed his lips onto mine and kissed me. I kissed back. It was a sweet kiss. I pulled back and smiled at him. He smiled back and gave me a hug. I jumped into bed and he joined me. I fell asleep thinking about the day I had had.

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