Memories - Part 2

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<From Jeniseus' Point Of View>

Her face was everywhere. 

Haunting my dreams, my memories, my hunts, my walks around. 

On paper, nailed to houses, bars, lamp-posts. 

As a ghostly image in the forests, the shadows teasing, taunting, mirages of her glare. 

As a little girl, as an adult. Strong and cold-blooded. One of us.

... No.

One of them.

I am my own now. 



No-one else. Just me. Alone. Able to make my own plans. My own decisions. 

I liked that freedom. 

But I missed the voices of the others, while not coherent, comforting all the same.

I sighed. I'd been here too long. I needed to be out. Out. Fighting.

I growled, and leapt down the stairs, landing hard on my feet. I heard glass shatter, and swearing. 

As I swiftly departed, I glanced back to see the boy struggling to pull himself from the floor.


<From ???? Point of View>

Jeniseus hid in the bushes, growling to Itself. It must do that a lot, now. I watched It for a while.

I remembered It. It was one of my favorites. A bezerker like me, and unique like me. It's own thoughts running around in It's head, not just the memories of the whole Horde. I was the only one who noticed the thoughts, and listened to them from time to time.

He wanted It dead, gone. 

It was His creation, but He didn't want to do the dirty work. He wanted me to do it. Not his legion of dark creatures, not his strongest minions, who follow him blindly.  


He wanted me to go after It. 

I sighed, remembering what He'd done to It when He found out. 

Shunned the creature, severed It's mind connection. 

Took away parts of It's memory. 

Left It all alone, with no soul. 

But It didn't need one to survive. 

Only to be free.

It wouldn't feel completely...


Without It's soul.

I have a sworn obligation... but... This creature... He sent me to get rid of It, kill It, because He knew of my attachment. and He didn't approve. This was my punishment for keeping It's thoughts a secret for so long.

Chirrup Chirrup

As it was very late winter, I hadn't thought about Robins giving away my position. I looked back to It, as it stared right at me. Right. At. Me. Then, It simply shook It's head and started off again. I stared after it in shock, then resumed my soundless stalk. 

It knew me when I was young... Why would It turn away?  My face had been on flyers in the town, plastered on inn walls and stall posts. I had watched as It teared one down, gazing at the paper for a long time, before crunching it, almost glaring. It would have seen the bounty on my head was high... That type of money would be perfect for It, to get around from town to town, through villages and cities... So why just turn away when someone perfectly recognizable is staring straight at you, and you are staring right on back? It didn't make sense to me. Oh well.

I watched Jeniseus lay waste to a rabbit, and decided I'd seen enough. I dropped down, in front of Jeniseus. I spoke It's name. It stopped, looked.

Then, It spoke, in a deep, gutteral voice. But I could hear the shock.

"Rubin?! Rubin Blume?! "


<WIld At Heart- Play Song!!>

Jeniseus looked at Rubin. It took a step back, then spoke again.

"What are you doing here?"

Rubin moved closer. She held up her hands, and was almost singing when she replied.

"Jeniseus... I'm so sorry. I know He hurt you. I know you think I'm here to kill you. I'm not."

It looked her over, then walked to the stream, crouching down. Jeniseus reached in a claw. The water stained red. Rubin joined It, sitting beside Jeniseus. She set down a small bag, and it sank into the sandy ground. Jeniseus dipped in his other hand, until the blood was rinsed off completely, but the memories still lingered. It had hoped the stream could rinse it off completely.

"You know... I've fought with many..."

"And we won for some."

They stared at their reflections, until the silence was unbearable. Rubin finally broke it, in her song-like voice.

"Yes, you remember, don't you? How wild we were? Not caring about scars or bruises... Bent to do what He told us."

"Yes. Wild. It was the death of many. "

Rubin remembered her younger years, how she got in a fight in a tavern. She was confronted with a smashed bottle, and she'd ended up with a broken hand.

Jeniseus remembered fighting for someone who controlled Itself and the rest of the Horde, It often thought He was broken, not even lifting a finger, except to strike down those who defied Him. I lead the horde that day... Scaling, destroying walls, leaving piles of rubble in our wake, the stench of the dead filling the air. Wild.It thought. That's all we were. Wild, mindless... I've fought with many... I wore my bruises proudly, feeling blood run down like water... but watched my companions live and die wild. The city had no chance against us, their wall fell apart, there was no time to raise an alarm... I still have bruises, I still have scars. We were all wild.

I fought for Him, with It... I knew what I was doing... Why? Why did I let myself fall? To Him, To my Father... I showed him my bruises, I showed him my scars... He just told me I was wild.

Wild at Heart.

Wild at Heart.


Hi guyssss! sorry for the very long wait!!! School has been really weighing me down lately.  BUT HERE IT IS. THE COMPLETED CHAPTER. I HOPE IT'S GOOD. :D




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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