A True Creature

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Quick note: Jeniseus is Genderless. One of my friends says It should be a girl, another says It should be a boy, one laughs at it being genderless, and having no genitalia, and giggling at how it would be.. 'flat' down there...

Just don't ask.

As Jeniseus is a CREATURE, made from darkness, by darkness, and to be darkness, It has no gender, It does not reproduce, and has no reason to. 

Just thought I'd make that clear before I began the next chapter, sheesh.


<From Jeniseus' point of view>


I was out. It was cold. Ice was all around me, and snow covered the trees. I was following the scent and prints of a large hare.

I made no sounds.

I moved slowly.


I saw it sitting there.

Listening, smelling.

I lurked in the shadows just next to it.

I reached out suddenly, grabbing the hare in both hands.

One quick twist.

That's all.

Easy, clean.

I put the hare in my bag, and sniffed out something else.

Anything I didn't eat, I'd give to the inn.

An old doe.



I hunted her down, and she regarded me kindly. Her sad eyes gazed up at me, hollow and old.

She knew what was coming, and she welcomed it. The doe relaxed when I slowly put my arms around her neck. She didn't fight back, or try to run away. She just gazed at me as I sharply snapped the vertebrae. Her body went limp, dead. I picked it up, carrying the deer on my shoulder, bounding quickly and effortlessly back the way I had come. My claws dug through the dirt, giving me extra push.

Walking through the town, to the inn, people stared.When finally I made it back, I showed the barkeep the deer. Still being frightened at me, and now seeing a dead animal in my arms, caused him to faint. I threw him a dirty look before going outside again to cut the deer into suitable portions of meat. I didn't bother with the hare, and only skinned it. I could sell the skin, and the bones later, but right now, I was hungry. Making sure no-one was around, I pulled back my hood and raised the animal to my lips. I bit into the warm flesh, the blood dripping.

To most humans, the sound and sight would have been nauseating. The sound of flesh ripping, slurping, cracking bones out of joints, ripping off the limbs, the sight of a naked hare being ripped apart, a blood stained creature eating it's intestines, heart, and other organs.

But I'm not human.

And I'm hungry.

I took the pieces of deer meat back inside, asking if he would use any of it. The boy said he'd use some, but I should take the rest to the butcher. I nodded and carried the pelts, bones and leftover meat around the town, selling to who ever would buy it.

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