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Thunder boomed across the sky causing the boat to vibrate as violent winds caused the ocean waves to rock the boat back and fourth. This storm came out of no where, before they had fallen asleep the sun was setting and everything had been peaceful... until around 3am, when the storm came.

There was not enough room in the boats compartment so the two stood outside on the platform with many others, rain poured down onto them with lighting brightening up the sky every once in a while.

"I told you something bad was going to happen" Mercy yelled over the racket from the thunder

"We'll be fine.... as long as the lighting doesn't hit us, I promise you"

"You promise a lot of things, Scamander" she laughed moving closer to him to duck for cover underneath his suitcase

"Stop referring to me from my last name"

"Can't help it, your last name just sounds pretty" the woman smiled at the man

Thunder clapped within the clouds high above causing Mercy to jump at the sudden noise, Newt laughed at her actions before tripping over his own two feet.

"Karma" she sighed "always gets ya!"

"Are you okay?" He panicked regaining his lost balance

"Am I okay? Your the one who almost fell into a puddle"

"I'm fine, but, I hope the creatures aren't mad that I'm using their home as an umbrella" he chuckled giving the brown object a light pat

"They will be fine, the most damage this would cost would be some leakage into your office space"

Newt nodded while staring at his feet, he didn't want to stay on the boat anymore as he was getting tired of the storm.

"I do apologize but as the storm seems to be getting worse and the conditions of the water aren't safe to travel in, we will be stopping for the rest of the night at the next dock" a voice from an overhead rang out

Mercy smiled and nudged Newts arm, "where do you think we are stopping?"

"Not quite sure" he shrugged giving Mercy more of the coverage from the suitcase

"Do we have to stay on the boat for the rest of the night when we stop? Can we go to a motel instead" the woman pleaded as she was sick of the boat ride as well, she really needed a break from suddenly feeling sea sick.

"Definitely, I reckon ones close to the docks... usually would be" he agreed

"how long until we get there?"

"Be patient, you know it may be awhile, they can't even see which direction the boats heading towards" Newt said

"Hello folks! We will be docking in Philadelphia, collect your belongings and exit the boat from the west end! We will be leaving the harbour at 2 pm if the storm has passed, see you soon!" A different mans voice echoed through the overhead

"Finally! That must mean we're close" the woman smiled

"I think so" Newt smiled as well pointing towards the front of the boat, many lights appeared in front of them as more things came into view. They were now in Philadelphia for a lay over until further notice.

"why is there so many lights on at this time of night?!" An angry voice stomped past the pair

"Oh stop complaining about everything! That's all you been doing ever since you've stepped on this boat!" A woman who appeared to be in her late 60s yelled as she chased after the man

"Well then," Newt coughed

"I guess he's not the light of her life"

"That was terrible, not even funny" he shook his head as they exited the boat onto the dock

"C'mon! That was the best joke you've ever heard!" Mercy laughed nudging the mans arm

"Didn't even make sense, your terrible" he shook his head

"Oh, come on! You love me" she joked

'More than you know' Newt thought smiling at the woman.

If I Fall // Fantastic BeastsWhere stories live. Discover now