Chapter 1

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Peace. Thats was his fondest memory of living on his father's island. Peace. It was never too loud and it was never too quiet, it was adequate for Markus. He needed that kind of silence in his life since the death of his mother. He and his father, Dr. Adam Nordstrum, had loved her.

Her name was Lilly. Lilly Rose Nordstrum. Markus adored his mother's name.

In the mornings, Markus was not allowed into his father's lab. He never knew why, but he heard screams from inside sometimes. It never stayed in his mind too long because his father always had a snake for him to name and release, everyday he would bring out a snake that wasn't part of any species of snake he had seen. Some were long, others were small and big. He named every single one based on the mood he was in. His father brought a beautiful white snake with large silver eyes, he wanted to keep this one but his father wouldn't let him.
"Be careful" He would say,"Snakes are dangerous creatures"
'Sure dad, they're so dangerous'
He stared long and deep into this snakes eyes, determinig the name of this magnificent creature.
"His name is Robert" He declared, kissing Roberts head. His father smiled and brought Robert over to a small patch of flowers.
"Say goodbye to Robert Markus" his father said as he placed the snake down on the ground.
"Bye Bye! Stay safe and come visit!" Markus called out. But it was gone. He felt sad, he liked that snake. He was going to make sure that Robert was okay tomorrow.

In the afternoon, Markus did chemistry with his father. Mixing things, reading the recipes to blow things up, he enjoyed the afternoons the most.

At night, His father would read Markus a story, tuck him in and then leave. But Markus would lie awake in his bed, listening to the chitter chatter of the animals, the blowing of the winds and the rustling of the trees. It soothed him. If he listened close enough he could hear the clicks and bangs in his fathers lab, he kept wondering what his father was doing in there but quickly pushed it out of his and looked at the moon. Littke did he know it would be the last time his eyes would see the moon again.

Markus cried. He had woken up in the dark. He screamed for his father, wanting him to come and save him from the dark. He heard his father rush over and hold him.
"It's okay sweetheart, i've got you" he reassured.
"Daddy I can't see!" Markus cried. Clinging to his father, "What's happening?!"
"I believe" He said. "I believe you're blind." Markus screamed and cried. He'd never see his father's face, he'd never see any of the snakes, he'd never see the moon, the stars or the sun. He'd never be normal. He kept crying as his father held him close. After a while, His father picked him up.
"I'm going to take you to my lab and see what caused this, okay?"
Markus nodded and sniffled, clinging to his father. His father, feeling guilty for what he was about to do, laid his son down on the cool, hard, ground of a cell. Markus was confused knowing this wasn't his father's lab.
"Father where are we?" He asked. His father began to cry.
"You'll never leave the island again" he sniffled,"and if that means you're blind and locked in a cell then so be it" He shut the cell door, locked it, then left. Sobbing quietly. Markus screamed and cried for his father, not understanding what he meant. Why would he leave? How did his father do this? How could his father do this? To him. He had loved his father with all his heart and this was the thanks he got. Markus laid there and cried, not stopping to breathe or wipe his tears he just cried. He cried well into the night before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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