Chapter 2

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Days had passed now and Dr. Nordstrum visited frequently(Markus refused to call him father, bet you can guess why) but was to either bring him food or to see if he was still alive. God how he hated Dr. Nordstrum. Markus had ended his crying fits and started to find new ways to entertain himself. He would throw rocks at the wall and dodge them as they flew back, he would sleep constantly and store some food underground for the days or weeks Dr. Nordstrum would forget to feed him. All and all, he was surviving and thats all that mattered to him.

In the afternoons, Dr. Nordstrum would bring down snakes and describe them to him in detail so he could still name them. He had recently named one Monica and another Louis, it gave him a glimmer of hope that Dr. Nordstrum would release him from his prison. But as the days and nights past that hope was soon diminished and it got worse as his sanity was also leaving him. He didn't hear voices nor did he beat his head against the wall his whole personality and body changed: his hair went from black to long, gold curls. His eyes changed from brown to light green, his teeth were that of a fox. Perfect, sharp, white teeth. His skin was a peach rather than pale and he spoke softly and full of wonder, as if he didn't have a lot time left in his life, which, he most likely didn't but he no longer cared. As long as he was alive he didn't care what happened.

Markus started to hear things. They weren't voices in his head or the whispering of the walls but actual human voices that he could hear outside of his cell door. They talked of revenge, sex and of a little boy that gave them names. Markus always listened to them speak of this little boy and how he was the most innocent thing in the world, saying he was lucky he didn't know of the true horrors that lied behind Dr. Nordstrum's lab door. They spoke of the horrors they experienced, the screams and cry of the innocent men and women who were mercilessly tortured and experimented on and forced into their beautiful snake forms soon after. Markus was apalled and shocked, wondering how a human being could do such a thing. The snakes were beautiful yes, but at what cost? He sat in a corner of his cell, he didn't know which corner nor if he was facing the moon. He missed the moon. It was so pretty and the way it looked over the water was absolutely magnificent. The rippling dark, blue waters as they reflected the glimmering blue moon, he mourned the loss of his eyes once. He wished he could see the moon, just once is all he asked for, just once. His eyes began to droop and his shoulder slump as he drifted to sleep, dreaming of the days he longed for the most.

Markus heard hissing. He knew there weren't any tires around, the snakes never came within five feet of his cell and Dr. Nordstrum didn't come over at around this time. After a few minutes of hissing it finally stopped and seemed to have moved further away from him. He was curious to know what it was but since he no longer knew where the door was he decided against it.

The afternoon came quickly, Markus named a snake Anubis because he was big and long, pure white scales and purple eyes. He wanted to keep that one to but a snake of that size would take up a lot of space. He took a very long nap and woke up during the night. A snake slithered in and wrapped around his thigh, it tickled him. The snake was cool to the touch and felt rough, he liked this snake.
"Hello snake" Markus said softly,"have i named you yet?"
"You have sir" said the snake, his voice smooth and soft. Markus was surprised by this, he knew he wasn't crazy because his sanity had come back about a month ago.
"Well what's your name then?" He asked.
"My name is Deveraux, i'm black and silver."
"Oh yeah, you're so beautiful"Markus complimented. Deveraux gave out a light hiss and nuzzled his leg.
"Thank you sir, we've heard of your blindness and we like to help." He said,"we can help you see the world through our eyes" Markus tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.
"How can i see through your eyes?"
"If i were to inject you with my venom i could connect you with all the snakes on this island since we all went through the same process of becoming mosters and through the same process of becoming human again" Deveraux stated. Markus was hesitant, he had every right to be. He'd never been bitten by a snake and heard their venom was deadly, what if it didn't work on him? What if he died? But he could see the sun, the moon and the stars again. He longed for that view of the ocean again.
"Alright" Markus said,"I'll do it". He could feel Deveraux's fangs sink into his arm and his venom enter his veins. It felt like fire but he bit back the screams, sweat was beading down his face. It felt like ages before Deveraux finally stopped but Markus only opened his eyes a little before he passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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