Rose's Past Events

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It was a winter night and Rose had just come back home. "Where have you been, Rose?" A woman with light brown hair said to the seven year old girl that came into the house with blood stains on the bottom of her skirt. "I was outside in the forests fighting monsters." The woman looked at a man when a little girl that looked a little younger than Rose was coming into the room.

"Why do you always fight those...beasts?!" said the man as he looked away from Rose. "Why can't you except that I like killing them to become stronger!" said Rose, as she raised her tone of voice at the man. The three kept fighting until it was pitch black outside.

The little girl, with brown hair, went over to Rose. "Why do you always come back home with red on your skirt?" asked the brunet. "Because, I protect you and mom and dad from bad monsters." said to the little girl with a calming tone. "Then why do mommy and daddy yell at you every time?" The brunet asked Rose with a small and fragile voice. "Because...They don't know that I'm going to save the ones I love and care about everyday soon." Rose said looking down, but immediately back at the girl in front of her. "How?" the girl asked courteously. "Well, I'm going to become a huntress." said Rose proudly. "Cool, big-sis!" the girl said amazed of her sister.

"Rose! Are you telling Violet fake stories again?!" yelled a loud, low sounding voice from another room in the house. "NO! I've never done that!" She said with no hesitation. "I was telling her about how I'm going to always protect you in the future!" Rose said winking at the brunet/Violet. Rose went over to the room the voice was coming from. A few minutes later Violet saw Rose running out of the house with a furious face that scared her. Rose ran for what seemed like miles and then saw a sudden red light from the corner of her eye. The light was coming from the direction of her home. When turning around she saw that right where her house stood was a fire. Rose started to run towards the fire as white specks of snow started to fall down. When Rose finally stopped in front of her house, it was on fire and being burnt down. Rose, soon after getting over what had just happened, ran towards the fire to get inside hoping that she would save her family if they were still inside.

"Come back to me!" Rose yelled out towards the burning house as she tried to get inside, but it seemed that the fire kept her from getting in. "Why can't you came back! You damn Parents! Come back to me!" Rose yelled out to the fire as she ran off giving up hope of finding them in the fire. After, not even the embers were in sight, Rose went to look through the pile of rubble and find, at least, her families re manes. She found her parents on the ground all burnt and crumbled into ashes, but not her little sister. "Violet? Violet...Violet! Where are you?!" Rose started to cry and fell to the ground thinking that her sister may have perished in the fire and her ashes were just mixed in with the cinder from the burnt wood of her house and surrounding trees that got caught in the fire or she was killed by one of the beasts in the the surrounding forests. Rose went around the neighboring towns that were made around the forests on both sides of her house. She stocked up on items that she would need. Nothing in her house had survived. Rose also thought that the fire was no accident because it started to rapidly.

Rose thought to herself "Why did it have to be today that they had to die? I wanted to show them that I could become a huntress someday and save and protect them. Then they couldn't say that I was lying to Violet! Now they're all dead! Why!" Rose was yelling in her mind, but whispering with tears coming from her eyes with every step, not even looking at where she was going. Soon she came to a weapons shop that she went to to help out and gain money for her family and kill the monsters in the forests that were killing innocent people. Rose looked up to get away from her thoughts to see a big "Closed" sign on the door, but she went in anyway.

"We're closed now-Rose?!" The man at the desk looked at Rose in shock. "I thought you died in the fire that was in the center of the forest! We closed up shop because we thought you were dead and wouldn't come back. Steven and I were so sad that we closed up shop for the rest of the week." The man said with, both, enthusiasm and sadness. "It's good to see you, sir." Rose said as the man became very happy and practically jumping for joy. "Does that mean that the family you always mention are alive, too?!" The enthusiasm on the man's face was so hard for Rose to bear and look at so she turned her head away from him and looked down at the ground. Silence came over the room in an instant as a young boy with lavender hair that was only wearing dirty pants and no shirt, around the age of 10, came in.

The Past Of A New Rose (Past Part One)Where stories live. Discover now