Fight till the end

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~Warning! Fighting! blood and slight detailing.

This chap is dedicated to Skyvanp for all the support! TANKA CHU!~

Everyone poured out of the house, getting in the cars, reports of hundreds of multi-eye couloured eyed immortals had raided a main street in the famous city.

The limo' sped along, the shape shifters changing and running or flying there ahead of us.

Tires screeched, my heart clenched.

Bodies already lay shredded and bleeding into the white snow, humans as well as our kind.

It was chaos, people were running and screaming, cars were crashed and sirens where whailing.

But what frightened me the most was the massive group of pure evil, that stood in silence, grinning and watching us all arrive.

At least i can use the bodies.

I felt sickened but had no time to think about it, stepping out of the car right after darius and focusing energy on three lifeless bodies.

They came to life, most blood and organs disintergrating, just leaving bones with scraps of flesh and muscle dangling from the blood tinged skeletons.

The enemies growled, baring fangs, broken wings and glowing eyes.

We responded, our fallen angels spreading their beautiful white wings, Eyes glowing brightly and and overwhelming sense of raw power emanated from both sides.

"Darius... spencer is here too"

He bared fangs and our 'friend' smirked at us from the front of the enemy lines.

Spencer held up his hand, silencing his snarling comrades.

"Well well well, if it isnt the faggot darius and his precious necromancer. We will give you one last chance. Give us lyason and we shall leave"

I felt myself pale, and my summoned undead clackered their teeth angrily, sensing my unsettled feelings. A roar from my superhuman followers behind me went up, screams of 'lier' and 'never' filling the cold night air.

Omg i could understand them, i can understand them...
My skeletons...

They kept clackering their teeth with the outraged crowd behind me.

I couldnt hear them speak, but i knew what they were saying.

"Let us at them..."
"...We will rip them to shreds..."

I felt suprised momentarily.

Then all hell broke loose.

Fighting took over, both sides clashing together loudly.

Darius passed me a customized staff with two long swords on either end before dissapearing into the fight.

Blood covered the white surroundings, cries and smashes where heard all around, the dark night filled with sirens and moving bodies, eyes bright as the sun.

I knew my own eyes glowed red in the sea of blue, green and yellow flashes.

I fought, my blood slicking on the ground eventually just like everyone else's.

My energy had already been taken from rising the dead that fought by my side, but i was still strong, rising another two whilst i was at it.

I discovered something rather happily, the dead that i brought back that had been immortal, retained their powers and where stronger than the humans.

One of my "men" who had been a witch, sent a ball of gold flames exploding in a group of enemies, taking them all down immediatly.

A head rolled at my feet, my staff sliced through more flesh, nightmare worthy screams in my ears.

Its went on for hours, police blocking humans from the commotion, because they already knew of our existence.

A black panther from my ranks sped past my side, only to be ripped to shreds by none other than spencer.

He fought his way over to me, grinning, hands drenched in blood, blue eye's piercing my red ones.

I guess it all comes down to this, doesnt it.

Anger pooled in every fiber of my being as me stepped up to eachother. I want to kill him, and no one is going to get in my way.

Since the battle had started, id only gotten fleeting thoughts about my mum, darius and new friends.

But it all dissapeared now.

"Fuck you spencer"

I hissed.

He just smiled.

Then we collided, the clash of his sword ringing against mine.

I darted to the right as he lunged,ducked quickly under his outstreched arm and


A deep cut severed through the bone in his right arm, leaving it hanging by a bit of skin.

His cry rang true, and his sword clattered on the crimson snow covered stone ground.

Spencer gripped his useless stump, shrieking in pain as the fighting sizzled all around us.

Burn in hell

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