Chap. 8:

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Instead of running to school like I usually do, I walk as slow as I could towards it with my shoulders slumped and a pout taking my face. Harry was jogging toward the school but then turned around- he probably realized that I wasn't rushing. He stopped at a halt with a frown etched on his face, I looked at him numbly before just walking past him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he frowns as he walks as slow as me.

I shook my head, "Nothing, I just don't see the point of running when I'm already late. I'm okay- I'm just tired" I assure him with a smile.

"Well then, I guess I don't have to worry anymore... I guess" he chuckles lightly and I laugh. "What? What are you worrying about?" I smile as we took a turn to my class.- then I remembered it was his class too so, our class.

"I thought you were going to be pissed at me and never talk to me again" he shrugs, a slight pink turning up on his cheeks making me smile.

"Aww" I coo and pinch his cheeks making him swear my hand away as I laughed. "That hurt" he puts, rubbing his cheek and somehow- he made my day better.

We turned a corner then into the classroom, me completely forgetting that I needed my books for this subject. He enters the classroom abruptly while I stay by the door, knocking. I saw students do this when they were late so since this is my first time- I'll just do it too.

"Ms. Gale? Why on earth are you late? Especially late with Harry?" Our teacher says and I stifle a laugh. I find the irony funny- its like a bit of ying and yang. And yet- here I am, being the bad guy, being the player instead.

I turned the tables, the thought made me feel guilty and nauseous- all because of Liam. I'm snapped of my thoughts when I feel my body walk toward the empty seat at the back. I realized he was telling me not to be later again and to be careful.

I nod once and scan my surroundings, it was my first time sitting at the back with all these... People. I didn't know much of them and I feel like the the left over wood in the pile of ashes. The analogy was harsh yet true.

I couldn't help but look around me and notice that I was actually blending in since I was wearing a black shirt, Harry's black shirt.

" Looky-look here, miss goody two shoes is finally letting go" an annoying girl teases and I groan in frustration.

"you wish" I spat, not moving my eyes away from the brain model in front of us.

The idiots around me laugh, maybe including Harry. I'm not sure, I mean I just spent to e with him last night right? why am I treating him differently? Geez, I need to get back where I actually belong.

When the class ends, I stand up only to be stopped by the brunette best friend of Harry. Louis has a smirk on his face as he eyes my torso, is he checking my cleavage? I almost gasp at the thought and nearly slap him when he turns to Harry.

" why is she wearing your shirt?" he says and I look down, I forgot- well shit then.

" Because she needed one, duh" he says and grabs my arm before dragging me away. "I need a new shirt, apparently, everyone thinks we had sex and that's just disgusting" I shudder as he leads me to another classroom.

" So what if they thought that? So what if we did?" he winks and I swat his hand away from my arm.

" Not happening any time soon" I snap before half-jogging to the cafeteria to meet my real friends.

"Hey guys" I greet them and they look at me weirdly, "What?" I stop what I'm doing to see what was wrong.

" Why are you wearing Harry's shirt?" one of my friends ask me and I roll my eyes. I look down and see it's the oh-so famous Ramones shirt that he always wears during Fridays. Why I know this? because... well, I'm observant.

" Sister. party. fight. Liam. No choice" I narrow things down and they nod. I start eating when they fire me with questions.

" So what's going on- what's the news with you and Liam? " One of them asks and I shrug, covering my mouth as I speak.

" I guess I have to make him jealous too, I'm sure he's not stupid to not know that I like him but what I don't understand why he's doing all this" I say before dropping my hand and eating again.

" Well, I guess you can ask him because he's walking over here- with his posse" they say and my fork falls on my plate.

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