Chap. 9:

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I stay as I was, freezing in place closing my hanging jaw. They were coming? Why? It was lunch! I don't want to face any of them now! Especially in front of my real friends..

My heart rate increased, adrenaline pumping through my veins causing the sweat in your palms first as if you were running a lap. I watched as my whole tables' eyes looked behind me before I hear someone clear their throat.

My mouth had gone dry, I licked my lips and turned around. Courage...

My eyes move from Louis, who was the one to clear his throat to catch our attention to Harry on his right side, Zayn on his left, Liam behind him and Niall behind Harry. what is this? Some kind of fraternity? If so then I am willing to give up and let Liam run rampage...

" May I help you?" I say after the silence that passes us, my group obviously looked so tensed and uncomfortable, guarded even. Their group was obviously couldn't care less, so relaxed.

"Yes, we want to merge our groups... Noah's ark with ours" Louis smirked, making his group laugh at his illiterate insult. And why?

" I don't recall any of you being religious enough to know the story of 40 night and days" I say as bitter as I could as my gaze swept across Liam. He was an exception of course, religious- Sunday church in the morning then charity work every year after. That was my Liam.

"Oh- but we are all! In fact, we have learned more than religion from each other. Literature was also brainstormed between all of us" Liam spoke, shocking my group- most probably me.

He still spoke like me, somehow giving me satisfaction. But as I analyzed the information, I   myself was speechless. I could not even imagine Harry reading a book without making fun out of it.

When I had not spoken, Izzy spoke from beside me. "I doubt lies will help in your situation. Such futile delinquents as yourselves seem to never tell the truth" Now that I hear how we talk, I understand why a lot of people make fun of it's structure.

As she spoke, I accidentally looked at Harry, his hair was messy and yet it seemed tamed- I must have gottened accustomed to it then, as I stared his eyes snapped towards mine and our eyes locked. How cliché.. But then, it was hard not to look away- his hard look seemed to soften, only when Izzy's abrupt movement beside me did I look away.

The girl no longer sat beside me but at the front of Louis, whose head was turned to his right a red mark already starting to appear. My eyes widened involuntarily, had she slapped him? What did he do? Izzy's patience was as long as the Nile river, and we only spoke to them in less than 5 minutes.

I stood up, "What- What the hell is going on?" I demanded, stepping in between Louis and Izzy, both fuming and pink.

"We were offering your friends a generous offer of being with us then your blonde friend here slapped Louis" Zayn suddenly spoke.

" Just because you have higher rankings in class doesn't make you any better than us" Louis muttered, anger and bitterness laced in his voice.

" But we are, aren't we?" Ed snapped before I could respond. Now you see why pur groups don't get along so well together. I doubt it will ever be, especially with my backstabbing of Harry- they're sure to explode.

Harry stepped in front of Louis and grabbed Ed by the collar, I gasped and stood up as Harry started talking through his teeth, so muffled and low that I could barely understand.

"Stop!" I growled, glaring at everybody, including my friends. I couldn't bare what was happening, all because of that son of a bi.tch named Liam.

Harry's eyes snapped towards mine and rudely let go of Ed, shoving him while at it and walked to Liam, whispering something in his ear then walking back with Zayn and Liam, leaving Niall and Louis.

Louis had already turned to us, smirking at poor Ed who looked like he saw a ghost. " you, all of you..." he was about to leave but he turned around again.

"I'd you if I could" he pointed at me, my breathe hitching and my eyes widening. If in were drinking something, in would have spat it out.

"He's kidding! He has a girlfriend" Niall was quick to interrupt, I gulped nodding. His mouth opened, about to add something else but he shook his head and patted his phone, me nodding.

That is just one of the reasons why I hate their group if not Niall... and probably, not Harry either.

"Lesson learned, stop hanging out with those idiot a Luce" one of my friends shook her head and I bite my lip, releasing it once I knew what to respond.

"There's a difference between hanging out with them and spying on them..." I said as we continue our lunch; me constantly glancing at Harry's table.

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