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Hey everyone, Cat-chan here. If your confused about my name don't worry about it. Anyway I came here to say that this is my first story done alone posted so the first few chapters may be bad but I promise they will get better and I never go back on a promise. Thanks for reading.😸

Edit--If you all have noticed, I am going back to edit the story. With more education, I realize that this is...an interesting way of writing. Please bear with me. Thank you!


Cat-chan pov.
Kou, Sindria, and Reim were all seen on the eccentric waves on a dark, stormy ocean. Each had ships armed to the bow, waiting for their commanders to give out the order. The tension was so thick that even the whipping winds of the storm couldn't cut through it.

Sinbad pov.
I closed my eyes and listened to the sea. She was furious we were here, and I knew it. However, my country was in trouble, and my family and friends could all die if I made the wrong move. 




Well, that's what I would have thought if fate didn't love me, but I am assured of winning. The only question is: How to minimize the lives sacrificed?

Muu pov.
This is way out of our element. Even though fanalis can swim, it doesn't mean that we are like the Imuchakk, who can do combat underwater. We are basically just for a show of power at this point. I want to send them all back, but if I do and the war is lost, I will never forgive myself as Lady Scheherazade's treasure, that she protected for so long, perishes at that Deviled man's hand.

I slowly turned to my family, "I realize that there is not much we can do at sea, but just like in Magnostadt, protect the boats and all the soldiers, our own and our allies. We will make this out alive and victorious!" Then I took Myron and Lo'lo aside, "You are the only two who are my household vessels, attack the ships that come too close to us."

Kouen's pov.
"Stand your ground and get ready. We may not know what Sindria has in store for us, but we shall prevail and unite this world into one country!" I looked around as our soldiers cheered; I had full faith in Koumei's plan. My only worry is that Hakuryuu, Aladdin, and Judar are nowhere to be seen. 

"Even without them, our plan must go on. This war will commence." With the wind to my back and my cape flowing majestically; I raised my hand-

Aladdin pov.
"STOP!" Sound magic boomed across the raging sea. All eyes were on me from the boats. "If you fight, then you will be going against the flow of the Rukh! I still don't know everything about the Rukh's flow, but I do know we don't want a repeat of Magnostadt. With that said, I-no!- We will stop you." Behind me came Alibaba, Morg, Yunan, and even Judar. 

Yunan started, "We have a bad feeling about this, so you all should immediately cease the thought of war." "I would listen to the old man!" Judar stated, "I mean, for Kami's sake, I'm taking their side here, and I love war!" Despite the chaos, that was one statement everyone could agree on.

"If we have to go through you to continue this war.......so be it. Three magi will not change my mind, nor will to protect my home, and I am sure I am speaking for everyone on this sea." Sinbad said. 

I shook my head in disappointment. Will these men learn nothing? Have they not seen the dangers ahead? At this rate, Alma Torran is going to repeat itself here. Without hesitation, I got ready for battle with fierce determination.

"Um, Aladdin, When did you cast a water spell?" Alibaba asked nervously.

"I...didn't. I know I am good, Alibaba, but I'm not that good, not yet."

"Okay...Then why is the seagoing to swallow us like sardines?"

I looked back, and I panicked. "BRACE YOURSELVES!"

Kouen pov

As that little brat talked, I noticed a wave behind them starting to grow. "Kougyoku! Dispell that!" She nodded in compliance; however, after djinn equipping, she looked pale. "What's the matter? Why isn't it dispelling?!"

Her head hung low, "I am sorry, Kouen-Sama, but the waves aren't responding to Vinea!"

She started to cry as Aladdin shouted, "BRACE YOURSELVES!"

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