Where are we?

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???? Pov
Why isn't it working?! Why won't the sea obey my commands?!
Ahhhhh! I need to tell her. I need to tell her. I dashed down the hall to the most decorative door in the castle. *Bang* *bang* *bang* "I'm coming, I'm coming hold on." *Creak* "Oh it's you. Why are you up at this time of night?" *Scribble* *scribble* "Huh....mmm...Okay...I see. Tell all the others." Nodding I left to tell the others.

Visitors huh.....It's been a while since we got those.

Kyogyoku pov
Why isn't the sea obeying me?! "Kyogyoku what's wrong?" "I don't know Kouha the sea isn't obeying me....What about you Miss. Yamraiha?" "It's not working for me either!" "Everyone get below deck!" "Right!"

Cat-chan pov
The storm brewed for several days and nights with no sight of land......Jk the Strom was only 2 days and everyone landed on a different island....But not everyone was who they were supposed to be with.

Muu pov.
Where are we, what happened? "Hey is everyone alright?" "Yeah we're fine captain" "good..." "Um captain..." "Yes." "We have an extra....person?" "What?" I turn around to find Masrur standing there. "What are you doing here?" *Shrug* "oh my phinox...Oh well nothing we can do about it now." "HALT OR ELSE!" Once again I turn around to find us surround by....FANALIS?!

Jafar pov.
Where are we, what happened? "Is everyone okay?" "Yes I believe we are okay...No one's injured." "Thank kami...Thanks Yam." "Ummm Jafar?" "Yes?" "Where is Masrur and Sinbad?" "What?!" "Don't move!" I turn around to see us surround....great.

Kouha pov
What the bloody hella happened?! "Kouha are you okay?" "Yes Kyogyoku I'm fine." "That's good everyone else is fine as well." "Uh Kouha...." "What Hakuryuu?!" "Where's Kouen?" "Uhhhhhhhhh......I don't know." "Please don't resist...We don't want to hurt you." I turn around to find us surrounded....And they have my metal vessel....Great life is just perfect right now.

Aladdin pov
My head.... "Is everyone okay?" "I'm fine alibaba." "No...My head hurts. Uhhhhhhhhh." "ALADDIN!" What's happening? *Thump*

Alibaba pov
"Aladdin stay with us!" "Ummm excuse me... I think we can help." I lift my head to see Morgiana staring I'm the distance.... "Alibaba....." I look where Morg was and see a girl with long brown hair and sea green eyes, a boy....I think he is a fanalis short red hair and red eyes....Makes sense, and a small girl with very long pink hair and pink eyes. "Please help us."

Sinbad pov
Whaaaa.....So cool a brand new adventure! Unfortunately I'm stuck with him. "Stop glaring at me. It's not going to change anything." "Sorry, but you look so stiff." "Well yeah I mean do you know where we are?" "Ummmm no" "See." "Shut up Kouen. No one likes an, 'I told you so." *Smirk*

Judar pov
Why am I stuck with an old man, a little kid and a magi not even 4 months old! "You know Judar where right here." "I know, but it's true. Stupid old man (Yunan) and children (Titus and Marga is with him) "Oh well, were not getting anywhere by just standing here. Let's go" "oh boy...This is going to be a fun trip."😅

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