Chapter 1 - Awake

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AN: Hey shadowhunters, this is my first TMI fanfic and I hope that it's come out good and all that. Most of all, I hope that you would like it and recommend it to your friends, it's not long (indeed quite short) and it's completed :3

Chapter 1

It was a horrible night. The wind was blowing through the New York Institute and the rainfall was extremely heavy. Rachel, who couldn’t sleep for the whole night lay awake studying the rain and the falling leaves from her windowsill in the Institute. Occasionally, she would take her stele from her desk next to her bed and draw a few patterns on the window, trying to figure out the one for stopping the wind from blowing against the opened window, but she wasn’t Clary, the ‘magic-rune-person’ who’s currently dating Jace Wayland, but Clary went to Idris recently to take care of some kind or ‘personal stuff’, leaving the Institute to only Jace, Rachel, Maryse and Isabelle. (Izzy’s brother Alec went on a trip with his boyfriend Magnus) Rachel was so fed up, the noise was the main reason that she couldn’t sleep. Suddenly, the door creaked open, she jerked her head upright and saw a body walking in.

  ‘Who are you?’ She hissed, grabbing hold of a seraph blade and her stele.

  ‘Steady there Rachel! It’s only me!’ The familiar voice of a boy rang out as the room was illuminated by witchlight from the boy’s hand. It was Jace, and he was dressed in full shadowhunter gear. ‘What are you doing here in shadowhunter gear in the middle of the night?’ Rachel rolled her eyes and slumped back on her bed.  ‘I recommend you to put on your gear now, unless you want to be vulnerable to demons.’Jace took a seat on the edge of the bed. Rachel look alarmed and asked,’What, by the angel, do you mean?’

  ‘Dress up yourself first, I’m not gonna look at you. I’ll explain to you once you’re done.’Jace turned to leave the room as Rachel moved to her closet to get her gear. Rachel had no idea what had happened, but by judging what Jace had said about demons, she knew that they were about to kill a few demons, but why her? Why not Izzy? Or Maryse? She was only a newly came shadowhunter from Idris.

  'Done with your changing yet?'Jace said.

  ‘Yeah, should I grab two of my seraph blades and my stele?’ Rachel asked.

  ‘Sure.’ Jace answered. Then the two of them headed off up the staircases.

  ‘Okay, you have to do some explaining, Jace Wayland. You can’t just pull me off my bed if we’re only gonna kill a few troublemaking demons when you can do it yourself.’ Rachel folded up her arms and her feet were planted in the middle of the stairs. ‘Time is running Rachel. If you move, I’ll explain.’Jace glared at her, then both of them kept running, with Rachel following Jace’s heels.

  ‘Okay so there’s this demon who came and put the whole city in sleep. It came and even the shadowhunters here are unconscious.’Jace said.

  ‘What? Then why aren’t us unconscious?’ Rachel gave him an incredulous look.

  ‘Because both of us were awake when the demon did it’s dirty work. It only works for those who were asleep. Now the demon is on the roof of the Institute so we have to kick some demon butt to take away whatever that’s making everyone sleep.’Jace explained, then they arrived the roof of the Institute.

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