#29-How He Deals With You When You're Sick (Part 1)

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(A/n: this was requested by NerdsWearOddSocks —who is awesome btw so go follow her right now—so to NerdsWearOddSocks , I'm sorry this isn't exACTLY what you were asking for...so please don't hate me...haha! Thanks for the inspiration!)

Percy: You were laying on your bed in (g/p)'s cabin, tissues littering the bed and floor around you, along with an empty bowl on the nightstand that looked suspiciously like it had previously contained ice cream. Percy walked in to see why you hadn't shown up to sparring practice, and at the sight of you in such a state, shrieked like a 5 year old girl.

"What's wrong Percy?" you asked calmly from your bunk, not bothering to turn and make eye contact, knowing it was him. You knew that scream.

"You look awful, (y/n)! And what's this mess?!"

"I'm sick, Percy. I got a cold." Your nose was all stuffy, so everything you said sounded hilarious.

Consequently, Percy giggled. "You sound funny."

"You'd sound funny too if you had three tons of snot in your head, Barnacle Butt," you growled, not being quite in the mood for your boyfriend's shenanigans.

"Can I do something to help you feel better?" You practically melted at his sweetness, how were you supposed to stay mad at this boy?!

"You can get me more ice cream," you gestured to your empty bowl.

Percy quickly nodded, grabbed the bowl, and ran off.

You sighed, snuggling down farther into your pile of comfortable pillows. You could get used to this kind of service.

Leo: There was just too much irony to handle at this point. You currently had a fever that had now peaked to 116 degrees (I don't have the degrees symbol on my iPod, sorry), but you were a child of Apollo, god of the sun. Like, shouldn't that make you immune to body heat, or UV rays? Something? Anything??

But no, you were simply sick with a fever that wouldn't break, and your siblings tried to fix it, but they had only seemed to make it worse. They gave you a little ambrosia, hoping that would help, and usually it would've. But instead of healing you in record time, it simply increased your body temperature from it's past 100 to your current 116 degrees.

So you lay there on an infirmary bed, sweating your heart out and covered in cold rags. It felt good, but it didn't really have much of a lasting effect.

Out of nowhere, Leo rushed through the infirmary doors, looking panicked. As soon as he saw you, he bolted, skidding to a stop right beside your bed. "(Y/n)!! Are you okay?!" he practically screamed at you, obviously deeply concerned.

"I'm fine," you panted, a bead of sweat trickling down your temple. "Just being cooked from the inside out."

Leo's forehead furrowed in worry. "Well that's not good."

"No kidding, Sherlock."

"Don't worry, (y/n)," Leo said soothingly. "I won't rest until I find you a cure."

You smiled at him, knowing he wouldn't let you down. "Thank you, Repair Boy."

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