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Harry thought about everything that Zayn had said. How he faked everything after he found out the truth. How everything he did was to hurt Harry in the end. How mean and heartless that sounds, Harry wasn't buying it. Zayn wasn't telling the truth. Words can lie but eyes don't. Harry thought about those times when Zayn said that he loved him, the look he would get in his eyes can't be faked. The secret little blushes and smiles when Harry said it back, can't be faked either. And when Zayn pointed the gun at Harry, he looked more broken than anything. Even when Harry orderd Zayn to kill him, Zayn didn't. He didn't even let the police take him. That has to be a sign of love, right?

Harry had made up his mind. He wasn't going to give up. He needs to win his love back.
So he called Zayn every day for the last couple of week. And even though Zayn never picked up, he waited every single day on that phone call again.

It had been a week since that 'incident' and every single day they both had to fight to make it through the day. They sufferd both but were too stubborn to talk.

Harry had been working on his speech.

One day he dicided on paying Zayn a visit himself. He had to be brave because there was a good chance that everyone in that Malik's Mansion hated him. He could be shot by Yaser or chased by Tricia with a roller pin. But that's just the risk he had to take. He needed to explain himself, he couldn't let his love die like that.


"Mister Liam." Claire interrupted him. "Harry Styles just walked through the front gates."

Liam stood up. "What?"

"Should I let him in?" Claire asked. She was the only one of the maids that knew about the situation.

Liam thought about it. Harry does deserves a chance to explain himself and quite frankly his bestfriend could use a visit from him too. Since he was a crying mess himself. It would be good if the two of them got a chance to sit and talk.

"Yes." Liam answered. "But wait, I'll get my gun just to be sure."

Claire opened the front door and greeted Harry as if nothing happened.

"I need to talk to Zayn." Harry whispered. "Oh and are his parents home?"

Claire shook her head. "Mr. and Mrs. Malik are out. However Mister Zayn is present."

"Yes!" Harry left out a breath of relief. He could do this. He just needed to speak from his heart.

He walked in but got stopped by Liam. "The only reason I'm letting you in, is because I want to hear your story too. I want to understand what made you hurt my bestfriend like that."

"Thank you Liam." Harry was disappointed because he had hoped on a more private conversation with Zayn. But I guess this will work too, as long as Harry could see him.

They both walked upstairs and Liam knocked on Zayn's door. He didn't get any response so he just opened the door himself. "Zayn?"

Harry walked in further and looked around in disbelieve. Zayn was laying on his bed with the covers over his head. There were tissues, empty alcohol bottles and empty pizza boxes all around his bed and floor.

"Zayn?" Liam tried again. "Look who's here."

Zayn just growled for them to leave.

"Zayn?" Harry said this time. That made Zayn sit up straight. He recognized that voice better as no other. He looked at Harry and snapped. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He then looked over at Liam, "Why did you let him in?"

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