Tharanghae♡ (Hunhan)

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A/N: Hunhan! ^__^


???'s POV

I have always loved you from the start..

From rehearsals to recording sessions..

From morning, afternoon, and evening bubble tea together..

I couldn't have spent it with someone more special than you..

We share happiness.. We look for each other in times of sorrow..

On and off cam, we are bestfriends.

Yes, I do feel something for you, and I can say that I love you.

I'm happy that I can wake up inside our group's dorm and the first that I see is your smiling face and how your bright smiles light up each and every morning.

I love you..

Yes you do love me too. I know that.

But I knew from the start that you don't love me the same way.

Because we have this barrier called brotherly love..

And it pains me that we can never be more than just brothers.

Tharanghae♡ (Hunhan)Where stories live. Discover now