Luhan's manliness~ Sehun's bubble tea and mobbed by fans.

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Luhan's POV

Zzzzzzz ~.~

What the...

I feel someone getting on top of my back and trying to crush me.

Ugh whoever it is he's so damn heavy! ow

Geez..I'm sleeping. I'm still tired ugh

            ~o~ yawn**

"Hyung hyung! wake up! LETH (let's) GOOO GEEET BUUUBBLEEE TEEEAAA HYUNG!"

That maknae...

He is getting on my nerves =___=

"HYUNG! Theriouthly (seriously), Get up now. Bubble tea ith no joke otey (okay)?"  Our beloved lisping maknae,Sehun technically shouted while jumping on me and shaking me. Damn. It feels like he's molesting me =__= Idiot Sehun.

Shut up. We're not gay. Exo is not gay. We are all very MANLY.. (except baekhyun)

and especially me. I AM the most manly. You got that? =__=

"HYUNG! Pleathe get up! I made a deal with Xiumin hyung tho get up now!"

"Deal? Seriously? Ya maknae, get a life. And your own bubble tea.. Go with someone else. I'm tired."

"Aish hyung! Pleaathe.. Pleathe..I have no money for my bubble tea.."

"Aishhhh jinja?? Maknae, go get some bubble tea money from Suho arasseo? Now shoo shoo go away." I said irritatedly while trying to push him off the bed. Aish.. This maknae. Seriously. -_-

But *sigh* the persistent maknae will always be persistent.

"Pleaaathe hyung.. pleeeaaathe" Sehun said over and over again while shaking me nonstop.

I mumbled a lot of cuss words through the whole duration of Sehun who is forcing me to get bubble tea with him... at god knows what time in the morning! Aish. =___=

"FINE!" I shouted,scratching my hair vigorously while he's in the middle of disturbing me nonstop.

"Yehet!" Sehun celebrated

Go ahead..Celebrate your death maknae.. aish =__=

I stood up and started stretching while glaring sharply at him.

I hate people getting on my bed.

After that, he just stood up coolly,fixed his shirt in a manly way and puts on his signature poker face like nothing happened.

Fu*toot* =___=

If you weren't the maknae and my bestfriend, I would have killed you. =___=

No one wakes me up so damn early in the morning and lays a finger on my bed as well then acts like nothing happened. =___=

I'm still looking evilly at him while murdering him in my thoughts.

He just beamed a smile back at me.

=_____= - me

^_____^ - stupid maknae

Aish.. why do I care for this annoying maknae? -_-

After a shower and a few minutes of putting on some clothes and fixing myself ..

I'm finally ready.

I walked with Sehun to the nearest bubble tea shop in the nearest mall.

We went past the front doors and sat on the nearest table.

Yeah we're too lazy that's why we always go to the nearest places. psh.

"Ya Hyung! I want thith chocolet jelly one Lulu hyung~" Sehun cooed while pointing at the menu and pouting.

"Tss.. Fine fine.. just stop your aegyo Sehunnie. You look gay. You should be manly like me. Here." Then I handed him the money.

Hyper maknae as always, nodded happily.

"I want the sour kiwi one with extra bubbles." I added

He nodded once again.

He went to the cashier and girls surrounded him quickly asking him to take pictures. He smiled at them and happily returned the favor.

Some even gave him bubble tea and other things.

Girls are also surrounding me while asking me to take pictures and sign autographs.

We're the famous boy group exo,after all.

I'm so handsome that's why.

And manly too. ^_~

"Oppa, oppa! Please sign this picture!"

"Oppa oppa! When will be your next fansigning event and your concert?!"

"Oppa!! Saranghae!"

"Oppa, You're so cool! We love exo!"

I smiled at them and answered all their questions, and also gave them autographs. They became fewer after a few moments and now I'm only left alone yet there are still people taking pictures of me.

Phew! Good thing I wasn't mobbed (that much) since I'm quite unnoticable in my dull clothes and corner position..

Most of them noticed Sehun first since he's in the middle of this large shop..

And since he's wearing a pastel blue polo shirt and light brown khaki pants. He's also quite noticable with his brown hair and light skin.

Why won't they go to a manlier and more handsome man like me? =__=

Well, atleast I'm not raped by a bunch of fangirls.

I can see that maknae might be in a bit of trouble since more girls surrounded him now.

Damn, I couldn't meddle since I will just worsen the situation.

But I also don't wanna get raped by a bunch of girls.

I can see him. The fans aren't hurting him. Good.


They're hugging him and touching his hair.

Some even attempted to kiss him.

So basically, they're raping him.

That bas*toot*

I'm manlier and more handsome..But poor innocent maknae :(

He's not used to those things.

Innocent maknae will always be innocent. Or will he?

After a few more minutes, Sehun came back to the table with four plastic bags full of bubble tea and other things.. He's wearing his usual pokerface but this time,haggard. His hair is messy and his clothes wrinkled. The first three buttons of his polo shirt,unbuttoned..exposing his chiseled white chest..People are also taking pictures of him. He took a big breath and..




Poor sehunnie ..

How's the story so far?

I know. lol. just kidding,I don't.



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